12 Warning Signs Of Liver Problems

Liver problems may not show up clearly until complications appear. For this reason, it is important to be alert to the signs that can warn of them.

The liver is one of the largest organs in your body and its function is vital, as it is responsible for helping the body digest food, store energy and eliminate waste substances. For this reason, it is very important to pay attention to the signs that can alert you to liver problems.

Did you know that ailments in the liver can they go unnoticed for years ? The point is that, although this organ has the capacity to regenerate and is very resistant, the accumulated damage could lead to a total failure of the liver

For this reason, it is advisable to learn to identify the warning signs that your body is sending you. If you pay the right attention, you can keep liver problems away for a long time.

Inflamed liver from an obstruction in the bile ducts.

1. Chronic inflammation of the stomach

In general, as the United States National Library of Medicine points out, a pronounced belly is usually the result of overeating, but it could also be due to other causes such as irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance or, even liver problems.

If you feel like you’re several months pregnant and need to take diuretics consistently to regulate your bowel, see your doctor for a scan. Only the professional will be able to provide you with an adequate diagnosis and an appropriate treatment.

2. Unexplained pain in the belly

When you have pain in the right area under the ribs and it is not solved with medicine, it could be liver problems. These  they can cause intense pain that is not eliminated with simple treatments .

3. Pain in the right shoulder

In some cases, liver problems may cause you to experience pain in your right shoulder due to serious complications, such as the presence of tumor cells.

The medical encyclopedia cited above explains that as tumors increase in mass, they put more pressure on the nerves, specifically those located on the right shoulder blade. D You should see your doctor as soon as you notice this symptom. Only he can give you the accurate diagnosis.

4. Regular vomiting

Liver problems make it much more difficult for your body to process food and liquids. This can translate into constant stress on your system that could cause, In addition to pain and inflammation, you feel an upset stomach.

Due to all of the above, the Catalan Association of Hepatitis Illnesses (ASSCAT) makes explicit on its website that the appearance of habitual and regular vomiting is not unusual in the case of liver diseases.

5. Appearance of mysterious bruises

Bruise or bruise on the knee

The liver produces proteins that are necessary for blood clotting. When it begins to struggle to regenerate itself, for example in the case of cirrhosis or liver failure, the levels of protein fall. This could lead to bruise the skin or bleed more easily for no other possible explanation.

6. Exhaustion

If you feel tired and lethargic every day, you could be having liver problems. As the waste in your body builds up, it will cause the oxygen levels in your body to drop.

This will obstruct the oxygenation of the organs and make you feel exhausted, even when you are not doing activities that require physical effort. In case of extreme fatigue, visit the specialist.

7. Personality changes

Here, the toxins accumulated in the blood would act again. These could move towards the brain and, then, cause problems with concentration, memory and even affect sleep cycles.

All of these factors could cause changes in your personality that would be very obvious to those around you. These can range from extreme tiredness and a lack of interest in the things you like to problems and arguments with your loved ones.

8. Changes in appetite

The Catalan Foundation that has already been mentioned points out that when the liver works to repair itself, interest in food usually disappears. This could lead to considerable weight loss. If your appetite begins to decline in an unusual way, it is recommended that you undergo a medical examination.

9. Yellow skin and eyes

This condition is called jaundice and it occurs when the liver cannot process degraded cells after using oxygen, and therefore bilirubin accumulates.

The result is that the bile pigment moves into the bloodstream and causes the white color of your eyes and your skin begins to have a yellow hue. It is usually something common in babies, but in them it regulates over time. In adults, it is a sign that would indicate serious liver problems.

10. Swollen ankles

The bloating may not be limited to the stomach – fluids could also collect in the ankles.  This inflammation is a sign that very few take into account since, generally, it can be produced by other conditions. Before ruling it out, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor about its possible causes.

11. Diarrhea

The 5 types of viral hepatitis

One of the first symptoms that should be associated with liver problems is diarrhea or liquid stools, so it should not be ignored. When you have diarrhea for long periods, your body does not properly absorb nutrients from food. This makes it more difficult for the body to heal properly.

12. Dark urine

This is one of the easiest ways to tell if something is wrong with your liver. When you urine is dark in color and your stools are lighter than normal , then you should seek medical attention. There are many causes for dark or cloudy urine, but it is best to rule out liver problems as soon as possible.

When to go to the doctor?

This is not to be alarmist but to pay attention to the signs that may indicate liver problems. If you present two or more of these symptoms or have only one but that persists over time, do not hesitate and go to your doctor.

It is always best to prevent than to cure. Therefore, even if the symptom is found to have been caused by another cause, you should congratulate yourself for being cautious and taking good care of yourself.

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