3 Morning Drinks To Achieve A Flat Stomach: Delicious!

One of the most common concerns in both men and women is being able to eliminate that excess fat that accumulates in the belly. However, it is not just an aesthetic necessity, we are facing a health problem that can bring us serious consequences if we do not act as soon as possible.

Abdominal circumference and health risk

When fat increases in the abdominal area, the tissues become stressed and inflamed. In fact, this abdominal fat, that is, the abdominal girth, is an indicator of the risk  of developing cardiovascular diseases.

We cannot forget either that the fat in the belly, and especially in the waist, will gradually cause our body to produce cytosines, a type of protein that contributes to insulin resistance.

So, as we can see, dreaming of a flat stomach does not only respond to the desire to see ourselves well in the mirror. It is vital that we take care of the volume of our waist and that we attend our diet.

Therefore, today in our space we suggest that you start the day in the best way, with one of these 3 natural drinks.

1. Mint lemonade for a flat stomach

It helps you lose weight

One of the main causes why it usually costs us so much to lose belly fat is age. Whether we like it or not, as the years go by, our metabolism slows down.

  • In the case of women, menopause also has a lot to do with it. The drop in estrogens and progesterone make us tend to accumulate more fat in the abdomen area, and that it is more resistant.
  • Now none of this is permanent. With a proper diet we can achieve it. Therefore, do not hesitate to eliminate processed foods from your diet and include this natural drink in your breakfast every day.
  • Thanks to the lemon, the warm water and the mint, we hydrate ourselves and provide a good amount of nutrients. In fact, adequate levels of vitamin C could facilitate weight loss, according to a study published in 2017.

The diuretic effect and the level of antioxidants contained in this natural drink are beneficial. In this way, we will be able to collaborate in the elimination of liquids, accelerate the metabolism and favor the elimination of toxins.


  • 1 glass of warm water (200 ml).
  • The juice of 1 lemon.
  • 1 mint leaf.

How i do it

  • First of all, we will start by obtaining the lemon juice. Next, with the help of a mortar, we chop the mint leaf. By grinding it, we will be able to benefit more from its flavor and its natural components.
  • Then add it to the glass of warm water along with the lemon juice.
  • If your stomach can’t handle a whole lemon, include half or a little less.

2. Cranberry, pineapple and pear juice

Consuming flat belly blueberry juice

With this drink we will help reduce fluid retention thanks to its diuretic effect. Pineapple, in combination with a good amount of water, helps regulate the body’s water balance.

In addition, this fruit contains an enzyme called bromelain, capable of breaking down proteins at the digestive level, improving the efficiency of these processes. This helps fight stomach bloating.

On the other hand , blueberries help us prevent numerous infections,  according to an article published in the journal “Food Microbiology”. The regular consumption of these fruits provide a good amount of antioxidants, essential to fight against the appearance of free radicals.


  • 10 blueberries
  • 1 slice of natural pineapple (125 g).
  • A pear.
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml).


  • First, we wash all the ingredients well.
  • Then, we peel the pear, cut it into 4 parts and chop the slice of natural pineapple.
  • Once in the blender, we include all the ingredients: blueberries, pineapple and pear. Beat well and add that glass of water.
  • Finally, always enjoy it in the morning.

3. Coffee only helps you get a flat stomach

What does coffee give us

That’s right: something as simple as having a cup of coffee alone every morning will help us achieve a flatter stomach thanks to its caffeine content. This substance allows to improve the effects of a hypocaloric diet on weight loss, according to a study published in 2016.

  • However, it is important to bear in mind that, to benefit from its natural virtues, we should not include white sugar, or whole milk, much less butter or cream.
  • In addition, caffeine helps reduce the feeling of hunger. On the other hand, coffee contains important antioxidant properties that contribute to the proper functioning of the body.

A balanced diet for a flat stomach

In any case, you must always remember that the key to well-being and health revolve around four basic principles: a good diet, physical exercise, hydration and healthy lifestyle habits. There is no single remedy that will make you have a flat stomach. For this reason you must make sure that your diet is varied and balanced.

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