4 Ways To Overcome And Come Out Stronger From A Disappointment

Everyone has been through a disappointment at some point in their life. Either with a partner or another person (friends, family, etc.). At that moment, it seems that the whole world is collapsing because what we believed in … actually is not like that.

We feel that we have been deceived and our mind begins to be overwhelmed with thoughts such as: “I didn’t expect that from you, why didn’t you tell me from the beginning, I didn’t think you were like that, why didn’t I see it before”, among others.

Undoubtedly, all disappointment arises from a belief that we have previously formed about someone who later, for one reason or another, does not meet our expectations.

How to prevent this from making us suffer? Let’s see it next.

How to emerge stronger from a disappointment?

1. Paying attention to emotions

After opening your eyes and suffering a terrible disappointment, anger, sadness, anguish and fear make an appearance. Suddenly, we find ourselves in a whirlpool of emotions that control us, that make us explode and be unfair to those who are next to us.

Therefore, it is important that we stop to reflect on our emotions. Seeing and understanding them will allow us to know how to free them so that they do not become encrusted and turn against us.

You may discover that you have wanted to create in your mind a reality that did not exist. Sometimes we have very high expectations of others, we idealize them and this leads us to misunderstand.

2. Talking out loud about how you feel

Mother talking to her friend.

Writing helps us free ourselves from what is stirring us inside, but sometimes we have to go a step further.

Talking out loud about what is happening to you, transmitting it to another person and having them listen to you without judging you will not only allow you to vent, but will help you realize many things. For example, while all those feelings expressed in words are pouring out of your mouth, you may discover your own method of healing.

Sometimes we do not see the way out of a problem until we start talking about it. It is then when, among a large number of incoherent and negative ideas, we see a light that is the solution to everything.

3. Taking disappointment as a source of learning

It is time that you stop feeling like a victim of circumstances, that when faced with a problem you let yourself fall and allow sadness to consume you. This won’t do you any good.

Do you learn from the good or the bad? Only of the latter. Because it is the worst moments that put us to the test.

Disappointment should be seen as an opportunity to learn both from yourself and from other people. If you do it right, you will put those expectations aside and those temptations to idealize out of your reach.

It is difficult for this to happen overnight. All learning requires a necessary time and progress. However, remember that this thing that is now making you unhappy, once overcome, will bring you great well-being.

4. Trusting, despite everything

After a disappointment you start to distrust everyone. However, it is important that you do not generalize. Just because one person disappointed you does not imply that others do.

Distrust will only cause you more discomfort. You will begin to not open up to others, to not maintain healthy and natural relationships. You will always be “with the fly behind the ear”. Even, at times, you may be approached by paranoia and you are unfair to those who are just trying to be good to you.

Despite all the bad things, never stop trusting others. You will be missing beautiful people that you can throw out of your life when they could have enriched it.

Woman with a mug in her hand smiling and looking out the window.

Although it may seem like it, the world does not end because of a disappointment. Of course, if you don’t learn from it, in the end others will emerge that will do you the same harm.

Do not expect anything from others, let them show themselves as they are. In this way, you will not be surprised or reproach them for not acting as you thought.

Getting ahead of events and idealizing will never be good. The others are unique, so allow yourself to see them as they are.

Learn from every disappointment and you will stop disappointing yourself.

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