5 Effective Fruits To Lose Weight And How To Consume Them

Losing weight and staying at that desired size in a stable way can be, at times, an almost impossible mission. Factors such as the “rebound effect”, stress or the change in some of our lifestyle habits usually result in us regaining a few kilos.

Losing weight with health should be our main objective. Get to stay at the ideal weight, a daily purpose. Now , how to achieve it? Sometimes our genetics or the limited time to cook healthier dishes are our main enemies.

Today in our space we want to explain to you which are the best fruits to lose weight. We are sure that they will help you. Likewise, it is just as important to know how we should consume them. We encourage you to take note.

1. Lose weight with lemon

No fruit is miraculous when it comes to losing weight. However, lemon is one of the fruits that can support this process. Thanks to its concentration of nutrients, it is one of the best options to supplement the diet.

  • Lemon juice has vitamin C. Thanks to this element we promote liver health. This is stated in a study carried out in mice and published in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition.
  • Good liver health means optimal fat metabolism. In addition, food is better digested and nutrients are adequately absorbed.
  • Lemon helps us purify the body, we eliminate toxins through urine.
  • This citrus is satiating and fights constipation.

lemon juice

How to consume it?

  • Start the day with a glass of warm water with the juice of a lemon.
  • Dress our salads with a little lemon juice.

2. Strawberries, ideal for the line

It’s normal to think of strawberries and instantly imagine a hypercaloric dessert. While it is true that we usually associate this fruit with desserts and high-calorie shakes, consumed properly they can be wonderful for weight loss. Next, we explain why strawberries help us improve our line.

  • Strawberries contain very little sugar and many vitamins.
  • Also, we cannot forget that strawberries are diuretic and contain powerful antioxidants.
  • They fight fluid retention.
  • They have fiber and allow us to fight constipation.
  • They are satiating. Keep in mind that there is evidence that the fiber itself stimulates the feeling of satiety.
  • Another aspect that we must take into account about strawberries is that they are a food with anti-inflammatory properties.

How to consume them?

  • Strawberry water: combine a liter of water with the juice of 10 strawberries and a little lemon juice.
  • Strawberry salad with spinach and walnuts, ideal for healthy weight loss.

3. The green apple, wonderful for digestive health

All apples are beneficial. Now, the green apple `has phenolic acid and flavonoids, and is the best to regulate blood sugar level.  This is evidenced by a study published in Advances in Nutrition . In addition, among its other virtues are the following:

  • It has antioxidants.
  • The green apple will allow us to regulate bad cholesterol or LDL.
  • It also helps speed up the metabolism.
  • At the same time that it allows us to accelerate the metabolism, the green apple acts on the fat itself, making it less resistant.


How to consume it?

  • Naturally and in the early hours of the day, if possible, with skin.
  • A green apple smoothie combined with oatmeal.

4. Blueberries, effective fruit for weight loss

Blueberries are a nutritional powerhouse with very few calories. So much so that it is enough to eat between 10 and 20 blueberries a day to get a high level of vitamin C, potassium and antioxidants.

  • Blueberries contain insoluble fiber, ideal for promoting digestion.
  • They also have a high concentration of tannins, which work as a very powerful natural astringent.
  • One aspect that we cannot forget about these little fruits is that we can eat as many blueberries as we want without affecting our weight. They are satiating and very versatile in the kitchen.

    How to consume them?

    • At breakfast, combined with other fruits.
    • You can make natural smoothies.
    • You can add blueberries to your salads.

    5. Pomegranates, source of health

    The pomegranate is a fruit with a high antioxidant power. It is precisely here where its main benefit is found: it improves blood flow to the heart and helps us keep the arteries free of fatty deposits.

    • Although it is true that pomegranates are an autumn fruit, it is worth waiting for this season to take advantage of its benefits.
    • The consumption of pomegranate reduces the accumulation of body fat in the abdomen area.
    • Likewise, this fruit is a source of fiber, it is anti-inflammatory and helps us eliminate bad cholesterol or LDL.


    How to consume it?

    • Of natural form. In addition, we can also drink pomegranate juice, if possible, during breakfast.
    • Combined in salads.

    Eat fruits to improve health

    In conclusion: do not hesitate to take advantage of each season of these fruits to take care of your line and your health. Of course, keep in mind that to achieve a healthy weight you must maintain a good diet in general, including all types of nutrients. You will also need to adopt an exercise routine and other good habits. Worth it!

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