6 Dietary Keys To Improve Sleep Quality

To improve the quality of sleep it is necessary to take into account the type of ritual that is performed daily, before going to bed. How is dinner? What is the use of electronic devices? Can we really relax?

From the Institute of Biomedicine and Nutrition of the University of Helsinki (Finland) they explain to us that energy dinners, that is, rich in fats or refined carbohydrates, can promote insomnia.

And while it is true that there are  other factors, such as stress, that can also affect rest, it is very important that the last meal of the day is light in order to have a restful sleep. We will tell you more about it below.

What we eat before bed affects rest

A fact that happens very often is that we come home very hungry. We spend the day away from home, we eat little and badly, and dinner becomes a time to satisfy our cravings.

Within our means, we should prevent this from happening. Therefore, it is necessary to try to eat properly during the morning, so that the stomach is not so empty at dinner time.

The relationship between diet and sleep is very important, and this is determined by various studies carried out by the university mentioned above. The keys that must be taken into account would be the following:

  • Melatonin regulates our sleep-wake cycles, as well as serotonin and tryptophan, which play a key role in the quality of sleep.
  • First of all, we need to consume foods rich in tryptophan, since this amino acid allows the body to synthesize serotonin and melatonin; so that they reach the nervous system. In this way, the consumption of a handful of nuts before sleeping can improve rest according to experts.
  • The ideal is to have dinner two hours before going to bed. This is how we can get to properly digest food so that the nutrients reach the bloodstream and have their effect: relax.
  • For these compounds to reach the brain effectively and we can get adequate rest, we also need to “be in the dark.” The pineal gland will then secrete melatonin into the bloodstream. Another option is to consider supplementation with this substance. Scientific literature shows the effects of its consumption on improving the quality of rest.
  • In order not to interfere with this process and thus improve the quality of your sleep, you should avoid “over-activating” yourself with the light of your computer or mobile phone.

6 keys to improve sleep quality

Chicken breast

1. Lean meats

Lean meats are those whose fat level is not very high and, in general, they are well digested. In addition, both chicken and turkey are dietary sources of tryptophan, which will allow us to synthesize serotonin and get a good rest.

There are many healthy ways to eat chicken and turkey. For example, you can prepare a turkey breast with lemon accompanied by some wild asparagus.

2. Watercress salad

As you already know, salads sometimes don’t feel good at night. Especially if you add vegetables that take a long time to digest, or that produce gas or heaviness, such as peppers, for example.

However, watercress is a good option. They are light, tasty and rich in vitamin C and B9, very important to regulate the mood and relax.  Plus, they benefit the immune system!

3. Whole grains

Whole grains are foods that  can help us during those times of stress and anxiety. Therefore, it is recommended that you accompany your dinners with a slice of rye bread: it is digestive and rich in B vitamins.

In addition, its low glycemic index carbohydrate content will help keep blood sugar levels stable.

Do you like red rice? It is a whole grain rich in fiber capable of raising serotonin levels. Very healthy.

4. Yes to a moderate amount of legumes

Broad beans or peas, for example, are very suitable for a light, filling and healthy dinner. They are vegetable proteins, without any cholesterol, that provide a good supply of vitamins B1, B3, B6, B9 and magnesium.

All these nutrients help  regulate the nervous system thanks to tryptophan. So, if you combine them with a little salmon or a turkey breast, you will have a great dinner.

5. Some artichokes with olive oil, vinegar and lemon

Artichokes are delicious, right? Some soft, cooked hearts with a little olive oil and vinegar are a very good option to satisfy the appetite and obtain the necessary nutrients for the last hours of the day.

These foods can help lower cholesterol, as they help metabolize fats and, in turn, promote good digestion. They also have a good amount of fiber, essential to block the partial absorption of this lipoprotein according to science.

How about preparing some artichokes for dinner today and enjoying a good night’s sleep?

6. A tablespoon of honey to improve the quality of sleep

honey alsjhc

Many people drink a glass of warm milk with a little honey before going to sleep. However, not everyone digests lactose well, so a good substitute is oatmeal drink, with no added sugar. It is also useful to take only one teaspoon of natural honey.

And why is it appropriate to consume honey to improve the quality of sleep? Because it will be a great help for the liver. It must be remembered that, while we sleep, this organ continues to work, purify, synthesize enzymes and metabolize.

The fructose and glucose present in honey will allow you to have an adequate supply of liver glycogen overnight. You will sleep peacefully and your body will continue to carry out those important functions.

However, it is necessary to bear in mind that this recommendation may not be effective for everyone. The ingestion of honey supposes an increase of the simple sugars of the diet, which could be contraindicated in many situations. If you are an active person from the point of view of physical exercise, you can benefit from this advice, which will also help you to replenish muscle glycogen. In case you are a sedentary person, it is better that you settle only with the ingestion of a glass of hot vegetable drink.

To keep in mind!

In addition to putting into practice the nutritional keys mentioned here to improve the quality of sleep, it is important that you put other measures into practice. One of the most important is to check that the environment in your room is adequate in terms of light, temperature and comfort.

In case you have trouble sleeping, consult your doctor to find an appropriate solution. Do not use sleeping pills without a prescription.

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