6 Numbers You Should Know To Take Care Of Your Health

Although the specialist keeps a record of your evolution, it is also advisable that you take note of the different values ​​of your analysis to be able to follow up at home .

There are numbers that you should know to take care of your health and today we are going to tell you what they are. If you don’t know them, you may be putting your health and well-being at risk.

However, keep in mind that these numbers are not magic. But they could help you prevent diseases and various complications. And it is that sometimes you think that everything “is fine” just because your body adapts to almost any situation.

Numbers you should know to take care of your health

The next time you go to the doctor for a general check-up, do not forget to comment on your observations regarding these numbers that we will explain in detail below.

1. Blood pressure

The first of the numbers you should know to take care of your health is your blood pressure. High blood pressure is known as the “silent killer” because there are usually no symptoms that something is wrong until it is too late.

You will have seen that when they tell you the value of your pressure they are two figures. One corresponds to the systolic pressure and the other to the diastolic pressure.

These two values ​​indicate the pressure with which your blood advances in the arteries and the ideal combination is 120/80. The best thing is not to have it neither very high (hypertension), nor very low (hypotension).

In case your blood pressure levels are high, try switching to a diet low in salts and high in vegetables. In addition, exercise is also very important.

2. Cholesterol

Like blood pressure, the cholesterol number is made up of two pieces of information: LDL and HDL, and the total sum should always be equal to or less than 200.

LDL is known as bad cholesterol and should be less than 100. For its part, “good” cholesterol or HDL should be above 60 at all times.

When these two numbers are altered , heart problems can occur, among other situations. You should have your doctor evaluate this data at least once a year if your health is good.

In case your health is poor or you have a history of heart problems, your doctor will order more constant check-ups.

3. TSH

The third of the numbers you should know to take care of your health is the TSH or the amount of thyroid stimulating hormone. It is estimated that 1 in 8 people, especially women, will have a thyroid problem in their lifetime.

Thyroid problems often cause tiredness, constant weight changes, and chronic pain. By knowing TSH, your doctor can act faster and eliminate these discomforts.

Normal TSH levels are usually between 0.4 and 5.6 milliunits per liter of blood (mU / L) approximately. The most common thing is that your doctor will order this test if you present the symptoms that we discussed before and if they are not caused by another reason.

4. Blood sugar

Doctor explaining glucose to the patient.

The fourth of the numbers you should know to take care of your health is the one obtained from the hemoglobin A1C test, which is used to measure the amount of sugar in your blood in the last three months.

There are other tests, but these usually indicate the amount of glucose at the time. The A1C is classified as follows:

  • 5.7 or less = Good health.
  • 5.8 to 6.4 = Prediabetes.
  • 6.5 onwards = Diabetes.

Prediabetes is a warning that something is wrong. If your levels are in prediabetes, you have the opportunity to avoid the next level by swapping a sedentary lifestyle for some physical activity and a healthy diet.

In case your levels have reached those of diabetes, you should not be stressed or depressed. Having healthy habits can help you reach minimum levels. It will take a while and require a lot of work, but it is possible.

If you are overweight, it is important that you lose those extra pounds so that your blood glucose is also controlled.

5. Bone mineral density

Bone mineral density is a number that arises from an evaluation of the bones. It is important from the age of 30, the age at which the accumulation of calcium stops and the risk of osteoporosis and fractures appears.

The fifth of the numbers you should know to take care of your health is obtained through a simple exam. Ideally, have a density between 1 and -1. If you are outside of that range it means that you have less bone mass than you should for your age.

It is very normal that, as you get older, this number decreases. Of course, the decrease can be more or less controlled if you include foods rich in calcium.

If in the first evaluation your doctor detected low levels of bone mass, it is recommended to perform the exam once a year. If you are not yet 30 years old, you have the opportunity to improve this number through exercise and adequate calcium intake.

6. Waist circumference

Waist circumference is a number that goes beyond aesthetics, as too large a waist has been shown to be associated with metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and some heart problems.

The waist of women should measure about 80 centimeters and that of men about 90 centimeters.

Is your waist a few inches extra? We recommend you abandon a sedentary lifestyle do some physical activity daily, as well as change your diet a little to eliminate fat abdominal.

Why be aware of these numbers to take care of your health?

Before saying goodbye, we want to clarify that these numbers are not always exact, since there may be small variations depending on the laboratories where the results are obtained.

In addition, there are special situations where the above mentioned could vary. Therefore, we recommend following the doctor’s advice in each situation.

However, without a doubt, mathematics does not lie and these numbers that you should know to take care of your health will tell you exactly what to change. Do not leave everything in the hands of your doctor: ask him each piece of information and keep a record. Your health will thank you.

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