7 Serious Effects Of Not Getting Enough Sleep

Lack of sleep can increase the levels of hormones that regulate appetite and make it more difficult for us to get satiated, with the consequent weight gain

Most of us have experienced the most common symptoms of not getting enough sleep at some point. We feel bewildered, clumsy, sleepy, tired, and looking like we didn’t have a good night.

What most are unaware of are the serious long-term consequences that lack of sleep can generate.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a person must sleep 7 to 8 hours a day to stay in optimal physical, emotional and mental state.

The multiple occupations and the current lifestyle have resulted in a decrease in those hours. More and more people do not have an adequate quality of sleep.

A recent study by the University of Texas was able to determine that people who sleep little, after 7 nights, already have alterations that could trigger serious health problems such as obesity, heart disease and memory loss, among others.

In fact, a person who takes more than 30 minutes to fall asleep or sleeps less than 6 hours is considered to have insomnia. If you are one of these, it is important that you inform yourself and know the serious risks of not sleeping well.

Increases the risk of stroke


A study conducted by the Mayo Clinic in the United States found that people who do not sleep well have a higher risk of stroke. In fact, adults who sleep less than 6 hours  have up to 4 times the risk of suffering this type of accident.

Risk of obesity

Lack of sleep  can cause hormonal changes. Therefore, people with insomnia tend to have a greater appetite.

In addition, in the long term, not sleeping well can contribute to obesity. According to studies, not sleeping well considerably changes the levels of ghrelin and leptin, hormones that regulate appetite.

Increase the risk of diabetes

Research indicates that a low quality of sleep is related to an increased risk of suffering from chronic diseases such as type II diabetes,  since there is less sensitivity to insulin.

Memory loss

It is not a secret that when we have not rested enough we forget more easily and cannot concentrate well. What few know is that in the long term, quite serious cognitive problems can develop  as a result of sleep disorders.

Going just one night without sleep can lead to loss of brain tissue. A study conducted by the University of California was able to determine that lack of sleep causes “brain deterioration.”

Higher risk of getting the flu

Sleeping for just a few hours weakens the immune system, and this can lead to more flu and colds. This was determined by an investigation carried out by Carnegie Mellon University.

Heart diseases

When a person does not sleep well, their body produces more chemicals and hormones. These, in turn, can lead to heart disease. This was indicated by a study published in the European Heart Journal, in which it is ensured that people who sleep less than 6 hours have up to 48% more risk of suffering from heart disease.

On the other hand, a study published by Harvard Health Publications, ensures that lack of sleep is related to high blood pressure, clogged arteries and heart failure.

Could increase risk of cancer


An investigation of the American Cancer Society, was able to determine that little sleep could be related to the risk of suffering from colorectal or breast cancer. It was found that those who had slept less than six hours had up to twice the risk of developing colorectal polyps, which in the long term could develop malignant.

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