7 Tips To Act In An Emergency Situation

An emergency situation can arise at any time of the day, in different places, and even in the least expected way possible.

An emergency situation can arise at any time of the day, in different places, and even in the least expected way possible. In this type of situation, one person, several people, or ourselves can be affected or implicated.

Sometimes, our lack of knowledge and preparation about elementary or basic aspects to deal with in these cases, prevent us from coping with the event that has occurred and creating an atmosphere of despair.  Therefore, we offer some tips, to be able to cope with some of these situations and act in the best possible way:

1. Don’t panic

Desperation, panic or anguish do not contribute to the emergency situation at all, rather they could make it worse. In these cases, it is advisable to keep calm in order to act quickly and correctly.  It is a question of knowing what to do, and what not to do, as well as how to request help from other people, or the emergency services.

2. Call the emergency number

It is important and necessary to call the emergency number, explaining the situation that is happening clearly, and the place where it occurs.  The physical condition that we have or that of the people affected must be indicated, and the possible injuries that arise.  You should also teach kids from a very young age to call the emergency number in the face of a situation of similar magnitude. You need to explain the previous point about staying calm.

The emergency professionals will tell us what to do in the waiting time until the necessary services arrive. Staying calm and following directions is the best strategy we can follow.

3. Collaborate with affected people as much as possible

In the event that one is not affected by the situation that occurred, but other people are affected, then it is possible to collaborate with their prompt attention.  For example, if a person has a sudden fainting spell , it begins with an assessment of their level of consciousness, asking them how they are doing, what hurts or what is wrong.  It helps to calm them down, and if the person does not answer, they should be checked for breathing and immediately call the emergency services for prompt attention.

4. Collaborate with the protection and alert of the emergency situation

In the event of extreme emergencies, such as earthquakes , fires or floods, help can be made with the evacuation of the affected people.  Likewise, it helps with the protection of people who are providing help or collaboration, analyzing the environment very well and alerting to possible new threats. It is very important, first of all, that your life is not affected.

5. Remove children from emergency situations

Girl in a session with the psychologist.

This is not usually taken into account, but in serious emergency situations, it is advisable to keep the little ones away from the place.  That is, do not expose them to the situation, because it will be difficult for them to understand what is happening . This could only cause them some kind of despair, fear, trauma, or even expose them to danger.  Once the situation is over, it is recommended to speak with them, adequately explain the facts to avoid distressing them, and advise them on what to do in emergencies.

6. Choose to locate the emergency kit

If the emergency situation is relatively treatable, such as a blackout, a choking attack, a nosebleed, or a possible accident with sharp objects, and ntonces it is advisable to look for the first aid kit to address these facts.  While waiting for the intervention of the emergency services, in case the situation worsens.  It is highly recommended to have at home, office or in public places, an emergency kit that contains items such as adhesive bandages, alcohol, burn cream, antiseptics, among others.

7. Locate the emergency exits

If we are facing an emergency situation, where we are in danger of death, we must always locate emergency exits or escape routes, avoid using elevators or running desperately with the crowd This, in the case of being inside a building or in the middle of the public road, and that suddenly a fire or an earthquake occurs.

Today, emergency situations can be dealt with quickly and effectively, thanks to the advancement of technology and the media. It is recommended that each community, region or country establish campaigns that teach how to properly deal with emergency situations.

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