7 Ways To Use Baby Powder In Household Chores

There are several ways to use baby powder as an ally to facilitate household chores. Although we have limited its applications to the prevention of diaper chafing, thanks to its interesting composition we can give it other alternative uses.

This product has been questioned in recent years, since its particles could be harmful to the respiratory health of the baby. However, as long as inhalation is avoided, it is safe to remove mold, grease and other dirt that make cleaning difficult.

Have you still not used it in your daily work? In this opportunity we want to share 7 curious ways in which it makes your life easier. Put it into practice now and see that you can save time and money.

Ways to use baby powder in your home

Baby powder stands out for its ability to soften the skin and eliminate bad odors. Due to the substances it concentrates, it has a protective action against those allergies that are produced by the constant friction of the baby’s skin with the diaper materials.

What few imagine is that it can also be used for other purposes that have nothing to do with personal hygiene. In fact, many have chosen to take advantage of it in these ways, since it is not known exactly how safe it is to use on the baby. Are you interested in knowing? Take note!

1. Remove grease stains

Ways to use baby powder in your home: to remove grease stains

For the removal of grease stains on clothing or upholstery it is almost always necessary to use a special chemical. However, if the stain is fresh, a little baby powder may be the alternative solution.

How to use?

  • Apply a generous amount of talcum powder to the affected area and let it act for a few minutes.
  • Next, rub it with a brush and rinse.

2. Store the cleaning gloves

One of the ways to use baby powder at home is as a preservative for cleaning gloves. Although many ignore it, these elements are easily damaged due to the mold that grows inside them due to contact with wet surfaces.

How to use?

  • Pour some baby powder inside the gloves as soon as you are done wearing them.

3. Deodorize cat litter

Ways to use baby powder in your home: to deodorize cat litter

Although cat litter is made with components that neutralize bad odors, after a few days it can release unpleasant aromas. Luckily, thanks to the delicious smell of baby powder we can deodorize it without problems.

How to use?

  • Sprinkle a generous amount of baby powder into the litter container.
  • If necessary, use it 2 times a week.

4. Keep the bed cool

The bed can acquire stains and bad odors due to the sweat that we release while we rest. Fortunately, thanks to the absorbent capacity of baby powder, we keep its surface cleaner and fresher without the need for washing.

How to use?

  • Sprinkle some talcum powder on the mattress and leave it in the open air for a couple of hours.
  • Then remove the residue with a brush and cover it with the sheets.

Note: You can use the same trick on pillows.

5. Repel ants

Ways to use baby powder in your home: repel ants

There are ways to use baby powder as an ally in the garden. For example, you can substitute those harmful insecticides that are used to keep ants away. Due to its volatile components, it repels these insects and prevents them from damaging plants.

How to use?

  • Sprinkle a small amount of talcum powder on the paths that the ants make in the garden.
  • If you wish, apply it on the edges and cracks so that they do not enter the interior of your house.

6. Mute the hardwood floors

One of the popular tricks to get rid of that nasty squeak from hardwood floors is the application of baby powder. The key to making it work is to spray it into the cracks where friction originates.

How to use?

  • Spread the ingredient on the ground and rub it with the help of a broom. Repeat its use at least 2 times a week.

7. Untangle necklaces

Ways to use baby powder in your home: to untangle necklaces

Necklaces and bracelets are accessories that become easily tangled when not properly separated. In order not to force or damage them trying to remove the knots, this simple trick with talcum powder is worth trying.

How to use?

  • Sprinkle some baby powder on the knot and rub it between your thumb and index finger. Repeat the same action with the shoelaces.

Did you know these ways to use baby powder at home? Now that you know how to get more out of it, don’t stop using it as an ally to do some tasks in less time.

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