4 Remedies To Treat Flatulence Naturally

The carminative and anti-inflammatory properties of some natural ingredients would help combat flatulence. Does this problem bother you? Discover some remedies.

If you are looking for a way to naturally treat flatulence, here are some medicinal plants that could help relieve it : cumin, fennel, cinnamon and ginger.

Discover in this article what are their properties to reduce gas and improve digestion, as well as how to consume them. Also, you will discover some tips that will help you.

Remedies to naturally treat flatulence

Natural medicine maintains that there are several remedies to naturally treat flatulence. All of them are prepared with spices, herbs and other elements to which digestive and carmitative properties are attributed. But do these benefits have scientific endorsement?

1. Cumin

Cumin to naturally treat flatulence

Adding a little cumin (Cuminum cyminum) to meals could be helpful in combating flatulence, as noted in the Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal . In particular, it could be incorporated into stews that cause more bloating, such as legumes.

Cumin would help reduce abdominal pain caused by flatulence. On the other hand, by containing a substance called cumin aldehyde, it would promote good gastrointestinal function.

In addition, black cumin ( Nigella sativa ) is cited as an effective solution, since it provides alkaloids and volatile oils. In this case, it is proposed to combine it with honey and other antiflatulent medicinal plants.

2. Fennel

The second most used remedy to treat flatulence naturally is fennel. In fact, various studies, such as this one by BioMed Research International , explain that both the seeds and the roots and leaves are used to facilitate the expulsion of gases from the digestive tract.

Fennel is a very common medicinal plant in digestive remedies. Especially when you have abdominal bloating after eating. In addition, it is believed that it would be a good intestinal regulator, both for constipation and for diarrhea. 

The general recommendation is to take an infusion of fennel and, also, it can be added raw to salads, juices, smoothies, stews, etc. Of course, it is possible to ingest it in capsules or use its essential oil to massage the abdomen.

3. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a very popular spice and used by Ayurveda Medicine. Although some research has indicated that it would have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiseptic properties, the data is not 100% corroborated in humans.

It is supposed that, due to these benefits, it would help to make a good digestion and treat flatulence naturally. Also, it is usually recommended in cases of indigestion, intestinal parasites and to improve liver function.

4. Ginger


Finally, ginger is considered by alternative medicine as a natural remedy for the digestive system. This rhizome stands out for its gingerol content, a compound that would increase gastrointestinal activity and have carminative properties.

You can take dry (powdered) or fresh ginger in tea, or add it to all kinds of stews, soups, juices, smoothies, fish, etc., as it has the ability to enhance the flavor of food and add juiciness.

Tips to prevent flatulence

Here are some tips that, along with the aforementioned medicinal remedies, could help prevent flatulence. Of course, if you regularly suffer from flatulence, consult your doctor for timely diagnosis and treatment.

  • One of the causes of flatulence is eating the wrong way. Chew your food well, without haste, and in a calm and stress-free environment.
  • Also, it is usually recommended to avoid conversations and arguments during that time. And, if it is necessary to talk about something, the ideal would be to do it slowly (to avoid swallowing too much air) and then rest for 10-15 minutes after eating. The ideal is to do this rest in a sitting position, never lying down.
  • People with a tendency to gas should opt for simple and easily digestible meals, without combining too many foods at once. For example, avoid dairy within other meals, as well as crucifers that tend to cause a lot of gas.
  • Eating more than the digestive system needs would also promote flatulence, as it is an overload on the stomach. Therefore, it is preferable to eat more times, but in less quantity. 
  • Avoid drinking a lot of water – and in one gulp – while eating. It is healthier to do it throughout the day, outside of meals.
  • It is advisable not to eat large meals if you do not feel hungry.
  • Avoid ─as much as possible─ those foods that you know cause flatulence. And, if you suspect a food intolerance, go to your doctor for the relevant tests.

Treat flatulence naturally, is it possible?

While the natural remedies cited throughout this article may help alleviate flatulence, you may also need to make some dietary and eating changes to avoid discomfort.

Important note : some spices ─such as cinnamon and ginger─ could be contraindicated in some cases. Therefore, it is essential to inform yourself well about it and consult with your doctor before starting to consume them.

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