Eliminate Double Chin Naturally And Without Surgery

There are several issues that influence the appearance of a double chin, such as being overweight and sagging, but there are also many natural solutions that can help reduce it progressively. The neck is a part of our body that we tend to forget until we begin to notice that it is getting old.

Therefore, in this article we give you the keys to help eliminate double chin naturally, doing some simple exercises and following some general health tips.

Reduce double chin.

Being overweight and double chin

When the double chin is not very exaggerated, it may be due to weight gain, so the first step to combat it will be to avoid gaining weight and, if possible, lose weight.

To achieve this, we must eat a balanced diet avoiding copious dinners. Accompanying a balanced diet, regular physical activity is one of the best tools to reduce weight.

In addition, we give you these other tips to help you lose weight without great sacrifices:

  • Increase the consumption of foods rich in fiber.
  • Reduce the consumption of fried foods, sugars, creamy dairy products, cold cuts and pastries.
  • Drink a glass of water half an hour before each meal.
  • Chew your food well and eat slowly. This will help us fill ourselves up before not eating so much.

Is there sagging?

In other cases the double chin is due more to the flaccidity of the tissues of the face and neck, and not so much to the fatty tissue. When this is the cause, it is usually due to a sudden weight loss, aging or genetic issues.

In this case, it is recommended to  increase the consumption of proteins, which are the molecules that give firmness to the tissues. In addition to animal protein (meat, fish, egg, milk) we can also ingest vegetable proteins that can be found in legumes, nuts, mushrooms, among other foods.


Importance of exfoliation and hydration

A very important habit to try to reduce double chin is to exfoliate, hydrate and deeply nourish the area .  The goal of this habit is to renew dead skin cells to firm it up and prevent double chin.

Exfoliations can be done with natural products such as salt, sugar, baking soda once a week. To carry it out, the scrub should be applied to the moistened skin of the double chin, circling with your fingers for at least a minute. Next, we remove the scrub, dry the skin and hydrate it.

Regarding hydration, it should be done daily, once or twice, and with vegetable oils suitable for the type of skin: coconut, almond, rosehip,  etc. We will take advantage of this moment to massage the skin to contribute to the elimination of the double chin.

weak peeling

What exercises can we do?

Finally, a fundamental part of reducing a double chin, whatever its cause, is doing a series of exercises daily. It will be enough to do them for 10 minutes, but the fundamental thing is perseverance.

  1. Take your gaze and head towards the ceiling, lifting your chin and, when you are at the limit, purse your lips and hold the position for a few seconds. You will notice how the whole neck is stretched.
  2. Gently move your head to one side, hold it in that position for a few seconds, and then turn it to the other side.
  3. Place a tennis ball under your chin and hold it by pressing it against your chest. We will press and release the force repeatedly.
  4. Chewing gum will   also help us to strengthen all the muscles. However, chewing gum with sugar should be avoided.

In conclusion, although there is no miraculous method to eliminate double chin, we can apply some exercises and care to improve its appearance. Avoiding being overweight and using some cosmetic products allow us to minimize their size.

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