5 Natural Ingredients To Treat Dry Hair

One of the best solutions to provide extra protein and nutrition to dry hair is gelatin. You can apply it once a month

If you have dry hair and even split ends, don’t despair. There are items that you can buy in the market to look sensational. However, in some cases they can make the situation worse.

Luckily, we can also go for natural ingredients to treat this problem. They will allow you to wear beautiful and healthy hair again.

Some causes of dry hair

Causes of dry hair

Dry hair can be due to various reasons. Among them we can highlight:

  • Hereditary factors.
  • Damage caused by chemicals (perms, bleaches, dyes, etc.).
  • Use of very strong shampoos, which remove the natural oils from your scalp, or which have a high degree of alkalinity.
  • A diet low in vitamins, proteins, minerals, and fatty acids.
  • Excessive use of heating elements, such as dryers or irons.
  • Get a lot of sun exposure.
  • Excess washing.

Natural ingredients to combat dry hair

Next, we propose a battery of elements that will help solve your dry hair problem. In addition, you will surely find them in your fridge or in your cupboard.

These are much cheaper and healthier than most of the beauty products that flood the market. And in addition, they will also be more effective in the long term.

1. Unsalted butter.

To moisturize and restore shine, there is nothing like a good mask with these dairy ingredients that will “feed” the keratin in the hair. Give them a try!

What should you do?

  • First, spread your hair with the butter or cream (without sugar or essence).
  • Then, let the product act for half an hour.
  • Then rinse yourself several times and proceed to wash your head with your regular shampoo.
  • Repeat this treatment 2 or 3 times a week.

2. Olive oil

Olive oil for dry hair

Along the same lines, but on the side of the plant kingdom, is this emblematic product for lovers of the Mediterranean diet. You should know that, in addition to being exquisite and healthy, it can also be used externally to treat dry hair.

And it is that vitamin E and the antioxidants present in olive oil help to heal damaged hair.  In addition, they help restore moisture and shine.

What should you do?

  • To start, put the oil in a container and heat it a little in the microwave (at a bearable temperature, so as not to burn yourself).
  • Then apply it generously to the scalp, carefully.
  • Massage gently for ten minutes.
  • Then cover your head with a warm towel.
  • Leave on for half an hour.
  • Finally, wash with the products you normally use.

This treatment can be done once a week. If you wish, replace the olive with other oils (castor, coconut, almonds, jojoba, corn …).

3. Egg white

Egg white for dry hair

To restore your hair to its lost strength, as well as its texture and moisture, use this noble natural product. Can you think of a cheaper mask?


  • 1 egg white
  • 2 tablespoons of warm water (20 ml)

What should you do?

  • Beat the two ingredients well until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Spread the preparation on the scalp.
  • Massage with your fingers and make circular movements for 15 minutes.
  • Lastly, wash your hair with cold water.
  • You can carry out this procedure once or twice a week.

4. Unflavored gelatin

If your hair has been damaged by excess chemicals and is dry, give it a high dose of protein once a month. The best way to achieve this naturally is through unflavored gelatin.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of gelatin (7 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (5 ml)

What should you do?

  • Dissolve the gelatin in the water until a gel forms.
  • Next, add the teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and stir well.


  • Wash your hair as usual, then apply the preparation.
  • Let it act for 5-10 minutes.
  • Rinse well.

5. Beer

Beer for dry hair

Non-alcoholic beer is a great hair conditioner. The protein it contains is excellent for repairing damaged cuticles and nourishing hair follicles. It is important that it does not contain alcohol so that it does not dry out the hair further.

What should you do?

  • Wash your head as usual.
  • After rinsing, remove excess moisture with a towel.
  • Next, spray a small amount of beer on your hair, as if you were using a setting spray.
  • Let your hair dry on its own. This will make the smell of the drink disappear.

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