Natural Remedies For Dry Throat

Lemon and honey are perfect for soothing the throat when it becomes dry. Misting or applying chamomile or vinegar moistened cloths will also help.

There are many causes that can cause a dry throat. A problem that may be more present in autumn or spring, due to changes in the weather. The common denominator is the sensation of itchiness and dryness, even if you drink a lot of water.

In the following article we will show you some of the natural remedies to alleviate those discomforts caused by a dry throat. Keep in mind that these are not miraculous solutions, and that in no case can they replace the doctor’s instructions.

Causes of a dry throat

Symptoms of a dry throat are itching and a feeling of swallowing sand or dust. In some cases, it causes a cough or problems digesting food. All this is due to the drying of the mucous membranes.

In most cases it is due to exercise, lack of fluids, breathing through the mouth, sleeping with the mouth open, nasal congestion or living in a very dry environment. Tobacco use, cough, sore throat, vomiting, allergies, etc. also influence and worsen the condition.

However, the main cause is bad breath, especially in the winter months, when the humidity is lower, or in spring, when there are many changes in the flowers, pollen in the air and sudden changes in temperature.

Other factors

Woman with a dry throat

In more isolated cases, a dry throat is due to an underlying condition, especially when combined with other symptoms. It can be related, for example, to digestive problems such as heartburn, difficulty swallowing or vomiting.

When the tonsils are not in good condition, they can lead to a dry throat. Any disease related to the immune system may also be causing this problem.

Among the strangest causes of dryness is Sjorgen’s syndrome, which prevents a person from creating saliva. And without a doubt, the one that worries the most is cancer of the salivary glands, caused by smoking, family history or high-fat diets, among other reasons.

However, there is no need to worry or be alarmed if from time to time you feel your throat go dry. See your doctor if the condition recurs for many days in a row or is increasing.

Natural remedies for a dry throat

For normal cases of a dry throat, the following home remedies may help. However, always remember the recommendation to consult with your doctor before resorting to them so that they can give you the best treatment, which cannot be replaced by any of the following alternatives.

Lemon remedies

Boil three lemon leaves in a cup of water for ten minutes. Remove from the heat and add a tablespoon of honey; it is a combination recommended by experts for throat problems and coughing.

You can also gargle with the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon mixed with a tablespoon of honey. Repeat up to five times a day. Then brush your teeth to avoid the corrosive effect on your teeth.


You can make them with preparations of different ingredients. Here are some of them:

  • Boil a cup of water and a teaspoon of chamomile. Strain and let cool. When it is warm, gargle. The effectiveness of this remedy is not proven, although many properties are attributed to chamomile.
  • A recipe for traditional medicine (not scientifically endorsed) suggests mixing a teaspoon of table salt in a liter of water at room temperature and gargling every hour or so.
  • Place two teaspoons of sage (an herb with proven effects to help treat pharyngitis) in ¼ liter of boiling water. Let stand 10 minutes and strain. Add a teaspoon of sea salt and gargle when necessary.
  • Pour a few drops of lemon juice into half a cup of bitter coffee. Gargling with this mixture will ease discomfort, according to popular beliefs.

Poultices or compresses

Chamomile for a dry throat

Chamomile for a dry throat

Another way to soothe a dry throat is to do it topically. Let’s see some remedies that could be effective:

  • Make a poultice with a tablespoon of dried chamomile leaves and two cups of boiling water. Let it cook for five minutes and soak a canvas or cloth. Drain excess liquid and apply to neck until cool. As we said before, the effects of chamomile for these purposes are not proven.
  • Soak a handkerchief or canvas in warm vinegar. Place it around the neck until it dries and cools down. Again, this is a popular recipe without much scientific evidence.
  • Cut two ripe tomatoes and add a glass of white alcohol. Beat well until a porridge forms. Place as a poultice over the throat, covering with a cloth. It is a traditional remedy, although there is not much scientific evidence to support it.
  • Make a smoothie with a cup of pomegranate, a tablespoon of honey, a half cup of blueberries, a banana and a half, and a cup of low-fat yogurt. Blend everything until you get a homogeneous mixture and drink twice a day. This combination of ingredients and their effects have not been scientifically investigated, but it is a very popular recipe for dry throat.

Other remedies

Parsley for a sore throat

You can try other types of remedies, from smoothies to syrups, which have been transmitted over time. We teach you how to prepare some of them.

  • Sprinkle a little turmeric over a tablespoon of honey and consume every two hours. Turmeric has proven effects as a pain reliever.
  • Cut an onion and place it in a pint of water. Add three tablespoons of sugar and marinate for half a day. Drink a cup every two hours.
  • Make a juice with four stalks of celery, a clove of garlic, two carrots and ¼ fennel. Blend all the ingredients well and consume twice a day.
  • Chop a handful of parsley. Cut an onion into small pieces. Peel a clove of garlic. Blend everything with a little water. Drink one glass per day.
  • Add a tablespoon of baking soda to a glass of water and sip it throughout the day.
  • Grate two green apples and mix in two glasses with water, bring to a boil. Remove from the heat, add a tablespoon of honey and the juice of half a lemon. Drink slowly.
  • Pour twenty peeled garlic into a container and cover with honey. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes. It is used as if it were a syrup. The dose is one tablespoon every three hours for adults and one tablespoon every six hours for children.
  • Boil three cups of water, wrap your head in a towel, and breathe in the vapors, like a humidifier. Breathe in for a maximum of 10 minutes. You can repeat up to three times a day.

If you start to notice a dry throat, try one of these natural remedies. They are likely to help ease the discomfort. If symptoms persist or worsen, see a healthcare professional.

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