11 Signs Of Job Dissatisfaction

There are those who are “lucky” to do what they like or that gives meaning to their lives. However, many others suffer from their jobs because they are not paid well, their tasks are not recognized or they do not get along with colleagues. Do you want to know if you are suffering from job dissatisfaction? In this article we will tell you about some signs that prove it.

How to identify job dissatisfaction?

Having a bad job is not the same as feeling miserable at work. The main causes of job dissatisfaction are:

1. Low salary

low wage

We are not just talking about him being low relative to other positions inside and outside the company. But also to the lack of monetary incentives or periodic salary increases. Not paying overtime, getting paid part time when working full time or years before the category or position is updated can also be reasons for job dissatisfaction.

2. Anonymity

Regardless of the type of job we have, the truth is that everyone likes to feel recognized and praised for what they do.

Otherwise, when a worker is ignored, not congratulated on a good idea or considered for certain tasks, they are likely to be uncomfortable. Employees with generic, invisible, or anonymous jobs may not love their jobs.

3. Signs of job dissatisfaction: poor relationship with colleagues

Bad relationship with colleagues

A “heavy” work environment, unfair competition, jealousy, envy or lack of communication can be anyone’s nightmare. Not getting along with colleagues or superiors can lead to absenteeism, poor performance, bad ideas, and fights. In addition to, of course, job dissatisfaction.

4. Ignorance or irrelevance

We all need to know how important the work we do is. This is not a question of self-centeredness or narcissism. But, that way, it is easier to put all our efforts to achieve better results.

Feeling that being there is the same as not being, that nobody pays attention to what we do, that there is no connection between the tasks performed and the success of the company can be quite frustrating.

5. Authoritarian bosses

Authoritarian bosses

Higher positions are often viewed as “vile” by subordinates. However, that doesn’t have to be the case. When a boss is pushy and inconsiderate or takes all the credit for the results despite the effort of others, it is normal to feel job dissatisfaction.

The same happens when it is that person who contributes to fights between colleagues or demands beyond the possibilities of each one.

6. Intangible objectives

An employee should be able to assess for himself the contribution he makes to the company. If this doesn’t happen, you may feel unfulfilled. If a worker’s success depends on a subjective opinion or idea, it is easy to feel unmotivated and unable to perform their tasks properly.

7. Impossibility of promotion

Promotion impossibility

If you are an ambitious person who does not want to always stay in the same place and prefers to move forward in life but you have a job that does not allow you to get promoted or get promotion, it is very likely that you feel dissatisfied.

Because no matter what you do or don’t do, you’ll be stuck in the same position for years until a better vacancy opens. This imbalance between what is wanted and what is achieved generates, without a doubt, frustration, low productivity, repeated absences and, finally, resignation.

8. There are no surprises

No surprises

Another cause of job dissatisfaction is being in a place where the same thing happens every day, the tasks are monotonous and repetitive. We feel like robots, we look at the clock every so often, we count the seconds until the weekend and you don’t know what day it is because they are all the same.

9. Zero creativity

We can also indicate as a sign of job dissatisfaction the fact of not being able to use all our skills when carrying out a task.

Letting your imagination fly in the office can be a good way to have a great time even for a little while. If we do not have that possibility, we are likely to feel automatons.

10. Boredom: a sign of job dissatisfaction


If there is no one at work who makes you laugh or, at least, makes tasks more bearable, it is understandable that you are not happy in that place.

That is why it is always good to make friends in the workplace. Otherwise, every day will be boring. Have someone to joke with, look askance and share inside jokes to make your day more enjoyable.

11. Signs of job dissatisfaction: lack of energy

The mind is not the only one that alerts you when it is not satisfied or happy with a situation. Your body too.

  • You may have a hard time getting up in the morning, no matter what time you went to bed.
  • If you set the alarm clock back several times and there is nothing prompting you to step foot out of bed, it may be a red flag.

    Beyond the typical and normal fatigue of the weekdays, you will realize that it is work reluctance, because the same does not happen on Saturday, Sunday, a holiday or during vacations. If in those cases you have to get up early, it will not be difficult at all.

    In conclusion, we have seen there may be various problems in our workplace. However, this is nothing fixed or static. Each of us can suffer from some, all, or even none of these problems. Or even suffer them in a complete period or seasons. Be that as it may, it certainly deserves a deep reflection.

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