How To Treat Highly Sensitive People?

Some people have a special sensitivity that can make their day to day difficult if they do not learn to manage it. Especially if they are not understood by those around them. That is why we want to show you how to treat highly sensitive people.

It is estimated that about 20% of the population has this high sensitivity, so it is likely that you know someone with these characteristics or even that you have them yourself. They are very emotional, intuitive and empathetic people.

They perceive a greater amount of sensory formation, in a faster way and at a deeper level. For the same reason, their reactions are also different.

How to identify highly sensitive people?

The high sensitivity of these people has a biological basis. Their central nervous system has been found to show greater reactivity than in the rest of the population. Furthermore, associated genetic markers have been identified.

To this innate temperament, life experiences and environmental influences are added and what we know as highly sensitive people is obtained . The following are some of its main features.

Deep reflection

The highly sensitive person perceives a greater amount of information, but also tends to process it much more deeply than the rest. Thus, the tendency to reflection and analysis is frequent in order to fully understand each aspect of reality.

Woman alone because she is highly sensitive.


By having a sensitive system to sensory and emotional stimulation, these people can feel overloaded or overstimulated. Loud noises, bright lights, and crowds are exhausting, uncomfortable, and stressful for them.

Therefore, they show a tendency to introversion, enjoy solitude and need these moments of calm to recharge.

Strong emotionality

Due to their special sensitivity, they easily capture emotional nuances and subtleties that others go unnoticed. They perceive the emotions of others with greater force and also experience and express their own emotional states with intensity.

They are very empathetic and tend to get involved in their affective relationships with others. They may have a hard time setting limits.

Tips for dealing with highly sensitive people

Given that 80% of the population does not present this trait, difficulties may arise when it comes to understanding the reality of highly sensitive people and relating to them. That is why we show you some guidelines that can be followed to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings.

1. Be understanding

First of all, it must be borne in mind that highly sensitive people feel with a greater intensity. Therefore, avoid judging them or accusing them of being dramatic.

Don’t invalidate their feelings. This will only make them repress their emotions, feel misunderstood and even present psychosomatic discomfort.

In the same way, remember that they are not defective and, therefore, do not try to change them. Their perception of the world is different from yours, although equally valid.

2. Be sensitive to their needs

We have already determined that these people can become overwhelmed when external stimulation is excessive. For this reason, try not to raise your voice to them and try to select quiet environments to be in their company.

In addition, they are very attentive, generous and empathic with the emotions of others. But they also need that listening and support from those around them.

Allow them to express themselves and provide a safe space for them to share their concerns and feelings. Avoid being stiff or cold in your interactions or advice.

3. Honesty is good policy

Sometimes we humans tend to hide what we think, what we feel, and what worries us. We put on a mask and pretend to be fine.

Highly sensitive people are very capable of perceiving the internal states of others and will notice any slight variation in your mood. Therefore, if they ask you, it is preferable that you speak to them sincerely.

Otherwise, they will try to analyze and reflect in order to understand and this can cause them suffering.

Support for highly sensitive people.

Sensitivity is part of who we are

If you have a highly sensitive person in your life, it may be difficult for you to understand their way of perceiving the world, expressing themselves and feeling. You may be surprised by their need to be alone, their slowness in processing information, their indecision, or their sensitivity to criticism.

But all these traits are part of her personality and you have to accept her as she is. In addition, you will discover that his virtues are also many and wonderful: kindness, warmth, generosity, loyalty.

If you are a highly sensitive person, you may need to learn to manage some of your reactions and emotions so as not to suffer. Setting limits and taking care of yourself is necessary. But do not try to repress or hide your sensitivity: appreciate it and value it, because it is also part of your being.

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