4 Medicinal Uses Of Eggplant Water That You Did Not Know About

Eggplant is a very particular vegetable, not only for its versatility in the kitchen, but for its medicinal properties that are due to its concentration of nutrients. Did you know that you can also benefit by consuming eggplant water?

It will be curious to know that in ancient times they avoided consuming aubergine. At that time, it was considered toxic due to its characteristic color. However, with the passage of time they began to include it in the diet and cultivate it. Thus, it soon became a very popular food and used in many parts of the world.

The uses of eggplant are not limited to its food use. Because it contains chlorogenic acid, which acts as an antioxidant, it is believed that it could help eliminate viruses and parasites, free radicals and excess weight. This is stated in this study carried out by the University of Costa Rica.

Despite this, today the benefits it offers that are found in aubergine at the gastronomic level are still unknown, therefore, the benefits of consuming it in the form of a drink are even more unknown.

For this reason, today we are going to share some medicinal uses of eggplant water.

Helps lower cholesterol

Bad cholesterol

High cholesterol is one of the complications associated with cardiovascular problems. Although it requires supervision and medical control, there are also some  natural allies that can help us reduce it. This is the case of aubergine water, according to this research carried out by the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil).

Its main benefit lies in the action of its active compound, chlorogenic acid. This facilitates the elimination of harmful lipids.

In addition, it is a source of flavonoids, which prevent different heart problems related to high cholesterol.

Ally against rheumatism

In the same vein, the chlorogenic acid in eggplant also has an anti-inflammatory and antibiotic action. Thus, it helps in the treatment of different ailments caused, for example, by rheumatism and arthritis, as suggested by this study carried out by the KIIT University (India).

People with these conditions are advised to drink eggplant water every day as a habit to improve their quality of life.

Fluid retention

One of the benefits of eggplant water is its  diuretic action.  In this way, it helps to eliminate the liquids retained in the body and that are often responsible for us to look with more volume than we should.

Reduce abdominal fat

Reduce abdominal fat

There is no evidence to explain when it started, but the truth is that eggplant water can work for those who want to burn fat to lose weight and show off a more molded figure.

This benefit is obtained thanks to the fact that eggplant water is a diuretic and a cleanser, that is, it can help eliminate waste, and in this way help us lose weight.

On the other hand, it helps the proper functioning of the liver, according to this research carried out by the Federal University of Technology (Nigeria).

Therefore, when devising a diet that helps you lose fat and lose weight, it can be supported by including the daily consumption of eggplant water.

How to prepare aubergine water?

Preparing this drink is quite simple and does not require a lot of time.


  • 1 medium aubergine (160 g)
  • 1 liter of water
  • The juice of half a lemon (10 ml)


  • First, wash the aubergine very well and cut it into small pieces. Then, bring the liter of water to boil and when boiling, then add the eggplant.
  • Subsequently, let it cook over low heat for 25 minutes until the vegetable is soft. When it is ready, let it rest for at least an hour.
  • After time, the liquid must be filtered with a strainer to separate the remaining pieces of eggplant.
  • Finally, pour the water into a jug and add the juice of half a lemon.
  • It is suggested to shake the liquid so that it is well integrated.

Note: the liquid that results from cooking the eggplant is a bit bitter and may have a slightly unpleasant taste. To avoid this, before boiling the aubergines, they can be put in a colander covered with coarse salt.

After a couple of hours, they will release a dark colored liquid that is responsible for generating that bitter taste.

A simple but important fact is to remember that you must wash them very well to remove any traces of salt before cooking.

How is it taken?

The liter of aubergine water has to be distributed to drink it several times a day. You can have a first glass on an empty stomach, another after lunch, another in the middle of the afternoon and, finally, a last glass after dinner.

It is recommended to take for 7 days in a row, once or twice a month.

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