6 Changes You Must Make In Your Diet To Alkalize The Body

We show you the changes you must make in your diet to alkalize the body. In this way, you can enjoy some beneficial news for your health.

The key to these guidelines is to regulate the pH of our body, so that it is slightly inclined towards alkalinity.

In this way, we will change certain habits and follow certain tips so that our pH is neither acidic nor neutral. With these guidelines you will be able to increase those alkalinity levels and you will not have to wait long or be anxious when you do not see the results.

1. Start with a good breakfast

The first tip to alkalize the body is based on starting the day with a hearty breakfast. In the western world, breakfast is considered the most acidic meal of the day, although it also depends on the country you are in.

Alkaline breakfast.

Some nations take advantage of this moment to eat more than in the rest of meals, while others moderate a little more, as it usually happens in Spain.

In countries that, by tradition, do not consider breakfast as the most important meal of the day, foods are bread, cereals, coffee, jams, butter, orange juice, cakes, cookies and biscuits. In the event that they do give more relevance to this meal, the bacon, bacon, fried eggs and omelettes are added.

Most of these foods are acidic, what ‘s more, they are precisely those that prevent us from improving our system towards a more alkaline state. If you want to reverse this situation and begin to feel the benefits of an alkaline body, the first thing to do is start the day well.

In this way, before you enter the kitchen, the first thing to do is have a glass of water, or alkaline water, water with lemon or an infusion of herbs. Thus, your cells will be rehydrated and replenished after having spent long hours of sleep and immobility, and contribute to an increase in the alkalinity of the body.

2. Adequate breathing

Many ignore the advantages that this point provides, but we cannot ignore such an important factor as breathing.

As a publication in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience points out , adequate breathing has positive effects on the autonomic and central nervous system and the psychological state.

It also has a positive impact on heart health, circulation and the lymphatic system. To do this, we can frequently perform the following exercise :

  • Breathe in for 1 second.
  • Hold your breath for 4 seconds.
  • Exhale for 2 seconds.

You can increase the times by following the proportion. That is, if you are going to breathe in for 4 seconds, you will have to hold it until you reach 16. Anyway, try not to use very large intervals at the beginning, especially because you will not be used to it.

3. The importance of proper hydration

Adequate hydration is essential for the proper functioning of our body. A small drop in the level of our body fluids can lead to large energy losses.

Stay hydrated

The water cleanses the acidic toxins and causes the metabolism to speed up. In addition, the feeling of thirst is confused with hunger, which is why we often overeat. This generates a weight gain that is not recommended for our task to eliminate acids and achieve an alkaline pH.

4. Bet on healthy fats

Another way to help alkalize the body is to consume a greater amount of essential fatty acids, such as Omega 3. These are very important for the chemical reactions of our body.

In addition, they help strengthen our immune system, help improve digestion and prevent aging.

5. Give yourself a good massage to alkalize the body

In addition to comfort and relaxation, a good massage allows the body to recover, gain strength and release the loads that accumulate over the days.

Blonde girl getting a massage.

On the other hand, allow your body to jump into action. That is, it turns on the necessary mechanisms to allow the acids stored in the muscles to be eliminated.

6. Take care of your skin

Keeping the skin clean, smooth and free of impurities has an immense amount of benefits. It will also contribute to our alkaline pH, so a simple guideline such as frequent brushing can bring us several benefits :

  • Brushing the skin frequently removes dead cells. Therefore, it makes this organ activate and generate new ones.
  • Brushing also promotes blood circulation, so that it reaches all the layers of its surface.

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