9 Foods Rich In Melatonin To Improve Sleep Quality

Besides providing us with melatonin, these foods also provide us with other nutrients that allow us to optimize our circadian rhythms. They can even help us fight oxidative stress.

The melatonin is a hormone that our body naturally secretes. Its functions are decisive for physical and mental well-being.

According to this information obtained from the Mayo Clinic, it is related to the control of circadian rhythms. These cycles are those that prepare the body for activities such as sleep.

In this article we want to share in detail the 9 best foods rich in melatonin. Do not hesitate to consume them when you have sleep problems.

Why consume foods rich in melatonin?

Among other things, it participates in neuroendocrine, neurophysiological and immune processes.

In this way, it is essential for the fulfillment of many vital tasks of the organism.

However, its production at night. When interfered with, the person has difficulty sleeping and getting a good night’s rest.

Due to this it is also convenient to obtain it through the diet, taking advantage of some foods that provide it.

1 onion

foods rich in melatonin

As stated in this study carried out by the Jiangsu Normal University (China), the onion is a vegetable rich in essential nutrients that help to improve the production of melatonin.

It contains vitamins, minerals and amino acids whose absorption facilitates the regulation of circadian rhythms.

Its regular consumption has several benefits. Such as promoting the elimination of toxins from the body and alleviating excess inflammation, according to this research from Songwon University (Korea).

2. Asparagus

The asparagus are recommended as a natural remedy for insomnia, because they provide amino acids such as tryptophan.

This substance helps to increase the secretion of melatonin during the night. Therefore, it is key to improving the quality of sleep.

On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that they also provide vitamin C, folic acid and essential minerals. These strengthen immune health, according to this study by the Serum Institute of India Limited.

In addition, thanks to their fiber content, they are ideal for improving intestinal motility and preventing constipation.

3. Bananas

Benefits of bananas

Consuming a  banana before bed is one of the ancient remedies for treating insomnia.

This is part of the foods rich in melatonin. It is also a source of tryptophan and essential minerals. In this way, they help prevent nighttime muscle cramps.

4. Cherries

The cherries are one of the foods that are recommended to improve sleep quality.

These provide vitamins A, C and E, whose antioxidant effects reduce the negative action of oxidative stress.

They are a natural source of melatonin and also contain essential minerals that promote muscle relaxation. This is stated in this study carried out by the Oregon University of Science and Health (United States).

5. Walnuts


The nuts and other varieties of nuts contain omega 3 fatty acids, a type of healthy fat that fights inflammation, bad cholesterol (LDL) and other problems associated with cardiovascular health. This is stated in this study by Dr. Martin N.

These have a small dose of melatonin and amino acids, which combine to improve the quality of sleep.

However, since their caloric intake is significant, they should not be consumed excessively.

6. Ginger

According to this study by the University of Isfahan (Iran), ginger root is a spice with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, ideal for minimizing the negative effects of free radicals.

Its natural oils, including gingerol, protect cells against toxins and harmful agents in the environment.

Also, it is not part of foods rich in melatonin. However, its consumption promotes its increase, by acting as a relaxant, it helps fight insomnia.

7. Brown rice

Brown rice is a source of carbohydrates and natural fibers that help improve energy expenditure to optimize weight loss.

This food, which represents an important source of B-complex vitamins, is ideal for protecting the muscles, the cardiovascular system and the brain, as suggested by this study carried out by the Shanghai Seventh People’s Hospital.

Its consumption, especially during lunch and dinner, adds a small dose of melatonin to the diet. Therefore, it induces you to sleep better.

8. Oats

The oatmeal is full of essential nutrients that benefit the body.

In addition, it is considered the most complete cereal, it provides a good quality of tryptophan, an amino acid that helps stimulate the production of melatonin.

Among its benefits it is also worth noting that:

  • Helps improve digestion.
  • Protects cardiovascular health, as stated in this research from the Taipei Veterans General Hospital.
  • Control anxiety, this study by the University of South Australia suggests.
  • Helps maintain a healthy weight.

9. Pineapple


Lastly, pineapple contains essential enzymes and minerals that help regulate circadian rhythms for optimal and restful sleep. This is stated in this study from Sun Yat-sen University (China).

This fruit is recommended to enjoy a good digestion. It also promotes balance in the levels of serotonin and melatonin, substances that participate in the relaxation of the body to sleep well.

Do you include these foods in your diet? Now that you know that they are good for improving your sleep, it would be worth consuming them regularly and taking advantage of their properties.

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