Type 3 Diabetes, A New Vision On Alzheimer’s

The concept of type 3 diabetes is controversial in the scientific community. Some experts think it is the correct name for Alzheimer’s disease; others, that more evidence is needed.

Everyone has heard of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, but does type 3 diabetes exist? Well, more and more scientists are joining the hypothesis that this is the most appropriate name for what we know as Alzheimer’s disease.

The hypothesis is based on the fact that an important relationship has been found between Alzheimer’s and various insulin abnormalities. The designation of type 3 diabetes has not been fully accepted by the scientific community and, at the moment, does not constitute a clinical diagnosis.

What is the relationship between diabetes and Alzheimer’s?

Man with diabetes measures his blood glucose.

Available data indicate that there is a relationship between type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s. However, it is not yet clear how that connection occurs and there are also studies that deny that such a relationship exists.

Some researchers think that Alzheimer’s disease  is triggered by the brain’s resistance to insulin. In fact, not a few do not talk about Alzheimer’s but about “diabetes in the brain” type 3 diabetes.

Meanwhile, other experts point out that type 2 diabetes causes chemical imbalances in the brain, while high levels of sugar cause inflammation and can damage your cells.

This, in turn, could trigger various types of dementia , including Alzheimer’s. Thus, this disease would not be a new type of diabetes, but an indirect consequence of type 2 diabetes.

Causes of type 3 diabetes

In 2016, a meta-analysis was conducted  in which more than 100,000 patients with dementia were examined. Data from 14 other studies were also taken into account, several of them unpublished, which in total provided data on 2.3 million patients.

The findings of this research indicate that people with type 2 diabetes are 60% more likely to develop some type of dementia. They indicate that the relationship between diabetes and vascular and non-vascular dementia is strong, affecting women more than men.

This would corroborate the hypothesis about type 3 diabetes. However, the researchers also point out that more studies are needed to determine whether the relationship between diabetes and dementia is causal or not.


The symptoms of type 3 diabetes coincide with the early manifestations of Alzheimer’s disease. These include the following:

  • Memory loss, to a degree that affects daily life and normal relationships with people around them.
  • Difficulty performing or completing common household or everyday tasks.
  • Loss of objects frequently.
  • Reduced ability to make judgments based on known data.
  • Sudden changes in habitual behavior.

Currently, there is no specific test to diagnose type 3 diabetes, as it is not yet considered a distinct clinical entity. Alzheimer’s disease is detected by neurological tests, neurophysological examinations,  and medical history.

Risk factor’s

Woman measures her blood glucose

There is no precise data on the factors that increase the risk of developing type 3 diabetes as such. What has been identified are risk factors for type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s. People who meet the following criteria are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes:

  • They have a family history of diabetes.
  • They suffer from hypertension.
  • Are overweight or obese.
  • They have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
  • They suffer from depression.
  • They are sedentary.

Meanwhile, risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease include the following:

  • Age. You are more likely to develop this disease after age 65.
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Type 2 diabetes.
  • Oxidative damage.
  • Family background.
  • In early cases, a genetic mutation plays a role.

How can the risk be reduced?

What can be done to lower the risk of developing type 3 diabetes is to control the progression of type 2 diabetes. This not only prevents the onset of Alzheimer’s, but also reduces the risk of other complications such as heart disease, stroke, kidney damage, eye damage, etc.

The first thing is to strictly adhere to the indications of the medical team. This will indicate the plan to follow to keep glucose levels, cholesterol and blood pressure under control.

Scientific evidence indicates that regular physical activity and a balanced diet are two of the most influential factors in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes and, consequently, type 3 diabetes. Exercise 30 minutes a day and avoid processed foods or foods with saturated fat is decisive. It is important to avoid tobacco use.

Exercise and healthy eating as a prevention method

Keeping the body in good condition is something that is largely achieved with a healthy lifestyle. It is essential to avoid a sedentary lifestyle and increase your intake of fruits and vegetables, while reducing fat.

Exercise, diet, and discipline with medications are factors that prevent the onset of type 3 diabetes, but they also slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease when it is already present. With a good regimen, life expectancy increases by up to nine years, compared to average cases.

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