The 6 Best Home Remedies To Combat Allergies

In addition to avoiding all those triggers, we can include in our diet different foods that help us strengthen our defenses and minimize allergic responses

Allergies are one of the health problems that generates more medical consultations in all populations. However, it does not always require drug treatment. Today we tell you how to fight allergies using natural ingredients.

It is a very common disorder, which is triggered by an immune response of the body to external agents such as dust, pollen and some domestic animals. Although it is not usually serious,  it manifests itself with uncomfortable symptoms such as a runny nose, itching and continuous sneezing.

In addition, it sometimes causes visual discomfort, breathing difficulties, and a variety of other symptoms that disrupt daily activities. Therefore, in order not to suffer these discomforts, it is convenient to know alternatives to control it. Discover the best options!

Home remedies to combat allergies

1. Aloe vera

aloe vera to fight allergies

Aloe vera gel is a healthy source of essential nutrients that stimulate the proper functioning of the immune system. Due to this, it is an interesting option to combat allergies and respiratory discomfort.

  • It has antihistamine properties. Histamine is a chemical that triggers allergic responses.
  • It also increases the production of phagocytes, a group of immune cells that help control respiratory system symptoms.

How to consume it?

  • It is important to ingest it in moderation, as it has a slight laxative effect that can be counterproductive.
  • Its pulp can be combined with honey, or it can be added to smoothies and natural drinks.

2. Citrus fruits

Oranges, lemons, and another variety of citrus fruits are very helpful in treating allergy symptoms. Its high content of vitamin C and antioxidant substances help to increase defenses,  and curb allergens, viruses and bacteria.

How to consume them?

  • They can be ingested on their own directly, or they can prepare natural juices, teas and smoothies.
  • It is also convenient to take them on an empty stomach, especially during cold seasons.

3. Garlic and onion

onion and garlic

Regular intake of raw garlic and onion is a healthy habit to reduce the recurrence of respiratory allergies. These two foods are rich in allicin, a sulfur compound that acts as an antibiotic, pain reliever, and anti-inflammatory.

Its inclusion in the diet strengthens the defenses, cleanses the lungs and helps to stop the negative action of free radicals and toxins.

How to consume them?

  • So that they do not lose their properties, the ideal is to eat them raw, preferably on an empty stomach.
  • They can be added in salads, teas, and many other recipes.

    4. Turmeric

    Turmeric is a spice with analgesic, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties that are very effective in controlling allergy symptoms. Its active compound, curcumin, gives it an important antioxidant effect that protects the body.

    How to consume it?

    • Add a teaspoon of turmeric powder to a glass of milk and consume it once a day.
    • Do not forget to incorporate it into your smoothies, infusions or soups.

    5. Salmon


    Salmon is a very healthy food that stands out in the diet as a significant source of omega 3 fatty acids.  This nutrient, which is absorbed in the body, has an anti-inflammatory effect that facilitates the control of allergies.

    How to consume it?

    • Nutritionists recommend eating at least two servings a week to enjoy its benefits.

      6. Green tea

      In recent years it has positioned itself as one of the healthiest drinks that can be added as a supplement to the diet. It has a substance known as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) that has the ability to block histamine to fight allergies.

       How to consume it?

      • Consume one or two cups of green tea a day: one on an empty stomach and another hours before bed.
      • If you like, use green tea to make smoothies with other ingredients.

      Ready to deal with allergy symptoms? Try these simple natural remedies and find that they are very useful as an alternative treatment. Of course, try to identify what is the factor that triggers this reaction and try to keep it away.

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