Teach Your Child To Be A Responsible Person

For a mother or father, teaching their child to be a responsible person is a priority. Good parenting results in adults with positive values.

One aspect that cannot be lacking in early childhood education is teaching your child to be a responsible person. This will allow you to develop discipline, autonomy and independence. Responsibilities are essential for the good emotional and intellectual development of your child.

You should assign him small tasks that suit his age. For example, picking up toys, tidying up his room, setting the table or getting dressed alone are a good encouragement for him to join the family and recognize his progress as he grows older.

Keeping your child responsible is not an easy task. Some children shy away from homework and tend to leave all work to their parents or older siblings. On the other hand, there are children who independently pose new challenges , for example “today I will dress myself.”

Responsibility is a value that should be instilled in children from a very young age. It is necessary to begin by teaching them that all their actions have consequences, which they must assume and learn from them to avoid making the same mistakes in the future.

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How to teach your child to be a responsible person?

To get your child to practice the value of responsibility, you need to constantly talk with him and explain how being a responsible person will make his life easier. You should also allow him to make his own decisions, give him the opportunity to assume the result of his actions. If he fails, help him understand failure and learn from mistakes. But when they get it right, don’t forget to praise their achievements.

Let him know that he has your love and unconditional support. Remember that children learn by example. Therefore, it will be easier for your little one to learn to put this value into practice if you practice it constantly.

Make your child do their homework

By assigning certain responsibilities to your little one, he will feel like an important part of the family nucleus. In addition, it is the perfect opportunity for him to show you that you can fully trust him.

If he fulfills the established duties, do not forget to congratulate him and motivate him to continue with that behavior. In this way, your confidence and self-esteem will be strengthened, while you learn to be a responsible person.

House work

Housework teaches two fundamental things in life: responsibility and cooperation. They also allow the little ones to learn the importance of teamwork.

When your child performs household duties, he also becomes a more autonomous and independent person. The support of children in household chores is key to their integral development. These chores can be:

  • Pick up your toys.
  • Make up your bed.
  • Help prepare food.
  • Wash the dishes.

School homework

Homework in children.

For your little one to fulfill his tasks, you must establish a study routine, in which you specify how much time he will dedicate to each assignment.

Also, explain that before playing games or watching a movie, it is important to do their homework and school . In this way you will adopt the habit of discipline. If he refuses to do them, it is important that you talk with him to find out the reason for his rebellion and find a solution.

When homework is done, remember to compliment him on his dedication and reward him so that he is motivated to repeat the study routine daily.

Citizen duties to be a responsible person

Parents are their children’s first teachers. The home is a school in which the parents play the role of teachers and the children, of students. In this space, the little ones define who they will be in the future and what are the manners they will adopt when developing in society.

Educating your child based on  values ​​will allow him to grow up to be a responsible citizen, aware of his role in society . Likewise, they will comply with their citizen duties and will have full knowledge of their rights.

A key objective of values ​​education is that it allows the integration and definition of the child’s personality. In addition, it helps you develop the ability to be autonomous of thought, taking into account the rules established by society and marking the path that you must follow to achieve a harmonious coexistence.

Enroll your child in an activity that requires discipline

Boy playing the violin.

Does your child have music skills? Or maybe, are you a natural athlete? Take advantage of his talents to teach him responsibility. Enroll him in an after-school activity that he enjoys. Activities such as:

  • Dance classes.
  • Painting.
  • Crafts.
  • Music.
  • Sports.

These types of activities generally require children to adhere to a set schedule and to strive to excel at them. For example, if your son is part of a soccer team, he will have to attend training sessions to be taken into account and for the coach to name him the team’s starter.

Discipline is one of the fundamental pillars of responsibility. If you associate this value with an activity that you really enjoy, you will learn to be a responsible person while having fun.

You must also remind him that to attend his practices it is necessary that he is up to date with his home and school duties.

Make your child be part of a charitable cause

Volunteering is an excellent option for your child to learn about social responsibility, commitment and perseverance,  these three important personal goals will be reflected in their academic performance. At the same time, social work activities take hours away from leisure time, making your child a more productive person for society and less sedentary.

By being part of a charitable cause, children are able to understand that they have the ability to contribute to the well-being of other people. They will understand that with your help they can change someone’s life. In addition, the sense of satisfaction that they will have when helping a third party allows them to commit and dedicate time to the charitable cause in question.

Also read Positive Effort in Parenting

Accept a pet into the family

Having a pet is one of the greatest wishes in children. But did you know that having a four-legged friend at home can be a way for your child to learn to be responsible?

If your little one is begging you to have a dog at home, give in to his wish. It is an opportunity for your child to show you that you can trust him. Make it a condition that to have a pet at home, he must be the one who takes care of the different needs that the dog may have. The duties he has will depend on his age, but they can range from changing water, taking him out for a walk, to bathing him.

The love that your child will develop for his new four-legged companion will be the engine to fulfill each of the tasks involved in having a pet at home.


To make children become responsible people there is no magic recipe. You have to be patient, maintain open communication with your child, and trust him.

Also, this process involves efforts from both parties. As a parent, you should let your child make decisions on their own. If he makes a mistake, do not scold him, rather, tell him what his mistake was, what consequences his actions bring and how he can remedy it . This way you will know what behavior to adopt when faced with a similar situation in the future.

The most effective way to teach your child to be a responsible person is by assigning homework and involving him in different activities outside of school hours.  In the beginning, you will probably have to do the tasks with him. But, after a while, your child will learn from the example you are setting and will be able to carry them out on his own.

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