How To Fight Bad Breath Naturally

Bad breath is a very annoying oral problem that can affect the self-esteem of those who suffer from it. Here we will provide you with some tips to combat it.

Bad breath is quite an embarrassing situation for those who have to deal with it and very uncomfortable for those who, for whatever reason, have to endure it. Fighting bad breath becomes a daily thing.

Although in most cases it is associated with poor oral hygiene, this is not always the case. This problem can  be caused by a variety of conditions. For example, gum infections, liver problems or sinusitis, among others. Bad breath, in the vast majority of the time, originates in the digestive tract. This is how Dr. Gregorio A. Mortola explains it, stating that it could be caused by intestinal constipation.

However, due to the social rejection it generates, many of the patients are afraid to talk about their treatment, even with experts on the subject.

Taking into account the bacterial proliferation on the tongue, gums and teeth as the main cause, this time we are going to share some tips to combat bad breath naturally.

Brush your teeth well

Brush your teeth well to fight bad breath

Daily toothbrush use  is one of the ways to reduce the bacterial concentration in the mouth. This grows by the remains of food that remain after feeding. It is necessary to brush at least three times a day.

  • Brushing should last at least 2 minutes and it is essential to use a toothpaste that helps protect the teeth.
  • Additionally, it has also been recommended to apply a little baking soda to the teeth. This reduces acidity and hinders the microbial growth that generates bad breath. However, it is not currently recommended as it can be abrasive to enamel.

Drink a lot of liquid

One of the common causes of bad breath is dryness that occurs on the tongue and the entire mouth as a result of dehydration. This is stated in this study from the College of Dental Sciences and Hospital in Karnataka (India).

The consumption of water is essential in these cases, since it has the power to drag food particles and bacteria that accumulate in various areas of the mouth.

  • For hydration to take place without problems, it is essential to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. They must be distributed in several intakes during the day.
  • The water should not be ingested all at once, as it can cause negative effects due to overhydration.

If you suffer from chronic dryness, it is essential to consult your doctor.  He will prescribe an over-the-counter saliva substitute medication.

Fennel to fight bad breath

Fennel has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, according to Sun Yat-sen University (China). These properties  can slow down microbial growth to neutralize halitosis.

  • To this end, simply chew a tablespoon of fennel to freshen breath and stimulate saliva production.
  • Its seeds can also be chewed after eating strong-smelling foods. However, they are most effective when combined with cloves or cardamom.


This popular spice that has so many uses in cooking and medicine also has active ingredients that can reduce mouth odor.

According to this study by Baqiyatallah University (Iran), its acid aldehyde, an essential oil, has a strong antibacterial action that reduces the amount of bacteria present in saliva. You just have to prepare an infusion of cinnamon and use the liquid as a mouthwash.


Parsley to fight bad breath

One of the most used plants in order to neutralize halitosis is parsley. This has a significant amount of chlorophyll, which can fight bad breath naturally and effectively, according to this study by the Coronel de Palma Health Center (Madrid).

  • Dip the parsley leaves in a little apple cider vinegar and chew for a couple of minutes.
  • You can also take advantage of its benefits by consuming its juice. This works especially if bad breath has its origin in digestive diseases.

Lemon juice?

It is believed that another of the remedies to fight bad breath is lemon. The acid it contains has a slight alkaline effect that could  reduce the acidity in the mouth to stop the action of microorganisms.

However, there is not enough evidence to support it. What is certain is that it is a powerful antibacterial, as suggested by this study from the University of Benin (Nigeria).

  • Dilute the juice of a lemon in water and use the liquid as a rinse after regular brushing.
  • For best results you can add a little salt.

To keep in mind!

All these remedies can work as a great support to ward off annoying and embarrassing bad breath. However, constant applications are required to obtain good results.

In addition, if this condition has its origin in a health disorder or serious oral infection, it is better to consult the dentist for a more appropriate treatment.

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