Forget About A Bloated Belly With These Foods!

Some people tend to feel a little bloated when they finish eating. When many foods are eaten in combination at the same time, it may be normal to feel a little swollen belly, but when it has been eaten in a balanced way and in adequate quantities, then it may be a poor digestion.

Usually, feeling a bloated belly happens when you eat portions of food that are not very common in people’s routines. There are some foods that contain high percentages of sugar, flour, and saturated fat (solid fats at room temperature) that could also cause this.

So, if there is a tendency to feel the abdomen swollen very constantly at the end of each meal, it is recommended to visit a specialist doctor. An improvement in lifestyle and a change in diet could make all the difference to stop feeling a bloated belly.

Foods to prevent the belly from “swelling”


Fruits are at the bottom of the balanced food pyramid. Especially fresh (not canned) and seasonal ones are often recommended to help solve some problems that cause poor digestion. Regarding this, this research published in the journal of the Colombian Association of Food Science and Technology explains that fruits constitute a group of healthy foods for humans.

This is due to its content of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that are important for the improvement of metabolic functions. Most fruits contain fiber and water. In addition, its fat intake is very low, it could even be said that it is zero.

cyclonebill salad

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There are several types of salads that can be nutritious and complete. This will depend on the ingredients used to make them. There are some that can be prepared with fruits such as pineapple or mango; others with dried fruits such as walnuts and almonds. In any case, it is recommended to consult a nutritionist if you want to incorporate the consumption of salads as an option in your diet.

In this study by the Institute of Nutrition and Eating Disorders (INUTCAM) it is explained that foods such as salads can help to have a better digestion because they are usually prepared with ingredients such as spinach, chard, watercress, lettuce, etc. These contain fiber and water, necessary ingredients that would help improve digestive processes.

One recommendation is to dress the salads with olive oil and lemon juice. In the case of olive oil, this information from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation shows that the percentages of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids present in the oil tend to fluctuate around very low percentages. This can help improve digestion and thus prevent a bloated belly.


The leaves, shoots and seeds are used. In addition to being an alternative in the kitchen to accompany salads, alfalfa can provide vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, D, E and K. 10% of its weight are minerals, among which are calcium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur, potassium, magnesium, and sodium.

22% of its weight are proteins, the content of which increases if the seed has germinated. According to this information from Medline Plus , alfalfa is used to treat an upset stomach. That is, it is an ingredient that can help improve digestive processes, especially when the person feels that the abdominal area is inflamed.

Likewise, it is suggested not to consume it for long periods, especially its germinated seeds, since it could cause a different effect than expected and can be detrimental to health.


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The composition of honey is complex and carbohydrates represent the largest proportion, among which fructose and glucose stand out. It also contains other minor substances such as enzymes, amino acids, organic acids, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. This is explained by this study published in the magazine Fuente.

Honey contains therapeutic and nutritional properties that can be beneficial to the body if consumed in moderation. According to this information published by the Ministry of Agroindustry of Spain, a benefit that can be obtained is its easy assimilation due to the fact that it has short-chain carbohydrates. Therefore, this facilitates the digestion and assimilation of other foods helping to reduce the symptoms of a bloated belly.

Different eating habits

Here, it is suggested to take some time for yourself and think about the quality of the food you eat on a daily basis, since sometimes due to accelerated rhythms, you end up consuming fast and processed foods that contain ingredients that cause digestive problems.

Starting to eat foods like the ones mentioned here could be an important step for those who already have a bloated belly. In the case of those who do not suffer from it yet, then this type of diet can help prevent symptoms.

Finally, it is suggested to consult a nutritionist about the type of diet you want to do. This specialist will be able to make suggestions based on the characteristics of each person, that is, weight, age and height will be considered, for example. Likewise, you can take into account the objectives and needs, either incorporating foods that help reduce and alleviate the swollen belly or prevent this from happening.

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