5 Exercises That Won’t Affect Your Joints

The knees support a large part of the body’s weight. That’s why exercising when you’re having problems can seem difficult. However, you should know some alternatives that are not harmful to the joints.

Having knee problems should not be an impediment to regular physical activity. Although some activities can cause damage to these body structures, there are several exercises that will not affect your joints and you can easily perform.

In addition to resorting to the appropriate work, keep in mind that, in many cases, poor execution of the techniques is responsible for joint damage. So if you have any questions about exercise, consult a physical activity specialist to help you through the process.

The health of your joints

Person on treadmill.  with bones of the tibia and fibula highlighted in a drawing

To improve knee problems, it is essential to control weight, as it is one of the causes of joint injuries, such as osteoarthritis, tendonitis or inflammation of the ligaments, according to an article in Harvard Health Publishing .

According to the Arthritis Foundation, being overweight 10 pounds puts 40 pounds of extra pressure on the knees. In this way, it is clear that obesity is not only an aesthetic problem, but also has negative consequences for health. Some of them are:

  • Increased blood pressure.
  • High levels of cholesterol.
  • Heart failure.
  • Increased blood sugar and diabetes.
  • Fatty liver.
  • Arthritis.

For these reasons, having knee problems is not only not a reason not to exercise, but it must be a motivation to do so. To do this, exercises that will not affect your joints due to their low impact on them.

Benefits of low impact exercises

As a National Health Services publication details, low-impact exercises use gentler, more controlled movements. This reduces pressure on the joints, which suffer the most from regular sports and exercises, such as running, playing soccer, tennis, basketball, or any other high-impact activity.

That’s not to say that these exercises don’t burn fat or make you sweat. On the contrary, some of them can test muscular and cardiovascular capacity.

5 exercises that won’t affect your joints

Based on the NHS article cited above and other sources, we propose below a list of exercises that will not affect your joints. Remember, however, that the approval of the specialist is always recommended before starting your practice.

1. Swimming

Man swimming: exercise to take care of your joints

It is considered one of the most complete sports and one of the most friendly for the joints. By supporting your weight and cushioning any impact, the water reduces the pressure on the body.

Swimming includes cardioaerobic exercise, muscular demand and flexibility. Any style of swimming, from crawl to butterfly, requires movement of the upper and lower muscles.

According to various sites specialized in this sport, a continuous half hour of swimming can consume between 220 and 270 calories approximately, although this depends on the physical composition and age of the athlete, among other factors. Therefore, it is an ideal sport to burn fat and tone the body.

2. Aqua fitness

If you don’t like swimming, aqua fitness is an endurance aerobic exercise that is done standing up in a pool. It is generally led by an instructor. Aqua fitness exercises  are similar to those in a normal aerobics class, but incorporating water increases resistance and decreases impact.

3. Row

Group of boys paddling in pairs

This is another low-impact exercise that keeps your knees protected. Rowing demands all parts of the body, from the arms to the legs, and especially the pectoral, shoulder, lats and abdominal muscles.

You don’t have to be near a lake or river or have a kayak; you can go to any gym and use the rowing machines. These allow you to regulate the resistance according to your ability and do routines with breaks to rest.

4. The elliptical machine

Surely you have seen in gyms a walking machine composed of two platforms to place the feet and two handles for the hands. That is the elliptical bike. This machine allows you to do a complete and demanding cardiovascular exercise, with low impact.

The internal pulleys of this device cushion the impact of each step and at the same time force the arms to move at the same time as the legs. This increases intensity and energy expenditure.

The elliptical mainly works the muscles of the legs, glutes, abdominals and in the upper part the biceps, triceps and pecs.

5. Yoga

Woman doing yoga being instructed

Yoga is generally associated with relaxation and stretching poses that require flexibility, but not burning fat. However, there are some types of yoga that require a high energy expenditure, so they help you lose weight.

  • Ashtana yoga: it is a continuous sequence of postures that work at the same time resistance and flexibility in coordination with the breath. While exercising the body intensely, it maintains other benefits of yoga, such as stress release, relaxation, and spiritual connection.
  • Bikram yoga: s and practiced in a room with temperatures reaching 40 ° C, so therea great sweating. This modality is based on a routine of 26 postures, always in the same sequence. It is specially designed to strengthen muscles and eliminate toxins.
  • Power yoga: it is similar to Ashtana yoga, but more vigorous; even some purists consider it more gymnastics than yoga. Like Ashtana , power yoga performs continuous postures, but more sustained, so it requires greater strength.

Taking care of your joints does not mean stopping moving

As you can see, having pain in the knee or other joints does not prevent you from keeping fit or burning fat. It is only a matter of choosing the appropriate discipline and taking the necessary precautions in each case.

However, if you have discomfort, it is advisable to consult with your doctor which exercise is most convenient for you. In this way, you will avoid aggravating your condition and you will be able to enjoy the benefits of any alternative that you like.

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