The Secrets Of Happy Couples

In happy couples there are also conflicts and discrepancies. The difference is that these are always faced and resolved from mutual respect and empathy.

Having a relationship is not easy. There are always arguments, differences, and problems that can wear down the relationship. So what are the secrets of happy couples?

Happy couples follow a series of guidelines that deviate a bit from various beliefs that make us think about how relationships should be. Myths and absolute truths of which we should always question the certainty.

With all this, what are the secrets of happy couples? What do they do that the others don’t? Today we will see …

Happy couples show affection and respect


If in a couple there is no respect for both parties, then that relationship is doomed to failure. Well, this is a fundamental pillar that also has to go hand in hand with another: affection.

One of the secrets of happy couples is that they are aware that when the infatuation phase passes, the relationship relaxes. There are no longer those butterflies in the stomach that make us nervous, because we have started to experience a more mature love.

However, the fact that love is more mature does not imply that it falls into certain mistakes that many couples make, such as not giving each other affection.

With displays of affection we refer to a caress, a kiss on the cheek, holding hands, a smile or a simple “thank you”. All these things are sometimes lost due to what we know as “getting comfortable” in the relationship.

  • Happy couples know that contact with each other is essential. Because, without this, they would become roommates.
  • The displays of affection are necessary to get closer to the couple, connect with them and not let the relationship fall into monotony.
  • Without closeness and without caresses, sex, over time, can also be forgotten.

Manage conflicts with intelligence


Another secret of happy couples is that they  act intelligently when faced with certain problems that may arise in the relationship. One that can cause this to falter is conflicts arising from differences or different points of view.

However, happy couples know that their respect for each other is above all else. Thus, they will know how to communicate what they think without attacking or imposing their position. What they do is listen to each other, understand each other’s position and, with this, try to find a solution that satisfies both of them. That is, they try to find a common ground.

What many relationships do is remove dirty laundry from the past, try to manipulate, reprimand their partner and carry out many behaviors that do a lot of damage to the relationship.

There are other ways to resolve conflicts. However, for this, we have to respect the other, listen to him and be able to empathize with him.

They create what we call “love maps”

Kissing couple

The last of the secrets of happy couples are love maps, which are nothing more than a scheme that a couple creates in their relationship.

In this scheme, questions such as what things interest my partner are answered? What makes you happy? What motivates you?

The answer to all these questions creates an outline of the relationship that happy couples always have in mind.

Thanks to this scheme, each of the members of the couple builds their daily life taking into account the dreams of the other, their aspirations and their goals, the most important events, what motivates the other, what makes them happy …

All this makes the couple complement each other, get to know each other much better and know how to lead a much richer daily life.

Happy couples don’t do anything extraordinary to be so. They simply try to ensure the well-being not only of oneself, but of the other and of the relationship itself.

Communication, empathy and other elements already mentioned will be very important so that a truly fruitful relationship can take place.

Each problem is solved by speaking and listening to the other, and each difficulty must be solved hand in hand. A couple is a team.

Now that you know the secrets of happy couples, will you put them into practice?

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