How Contact With Nature Works In The Brain

Life in cities stresses us out and keeps us from sleeping. On the contrary, a stay in the field, in the mountains or on the beach restores our brain.

Would you like to know why? In this article we will tell you how contact with nature works in the brain. It’s just what you were needing!

Brain and nature, an excellent combination

Hiking, walks in the mountains, walks in the woods or vacations in a tent are increasingly chosen by people who live in cities.

Spending a few days (even a weekend) in contact with nature causes a good amount of changes both physically and mentally and emotionally. The main advantages for the brain being outdoors are:

Clear your mind and clarify ideas

If you are one of those people who talks to the pillow to get answers to their problems, why not try the same with a tree, a stream or a rock?

Walking for a few minutes in a natural environment relieves melancholy, stress and worries of all kinds.

Contact with nature reduces blood flow in the subgenual prefontal cortex, the area where bad moods, problems and depression stagnate.

If you have to make an important decision in your life or if you do not know how to act in a certain situation, we recommend that you take a walk through a nearby town or forest.

Makes us more altruistic


Living in urban areas tends to make us individualistic, independent and uncharitable.

In contrast, life in rural areas completely changes the perspective and relationship with others. Increase empathy, solidarity and companionship.

This does not mean that those who inhabit a metropolis are bad people, but that the day to day between buildings and avenues makes us more lonely.

In the field the neighbors help each other more, share their activities and can count on each other in case of any problem.

Increase creativity

Complete disconnection is possible, oddly enough.

Spending a few days without a mobile, without a laptop and without a television is a real break for the mind (which is constantly surrounded by bright and noisy stimuli).

In these non-technology periods, creativity finds its moment to come to light.

The brain is overwhelmed by illuminated billboards, car horns, loud music, and screens.

In the midst of nature none of it is present and that is when you  can unleash your imagination and creation.

Improves attention and concentration

Spending time in the field or in the mountains increases our focus on our daily tasks.

Not being outdoors for at least a few hours a week results in lack of concentration, learning problems and hyperactivity.

If you want your mental performance at work or study to be superior, we advise you to take a few days in the forest or in a town far from the city.

In the case of children with attention deficit disorder, vacations in nature reduce the usual symptoms.

Improve sleep

Keep a sleep routine

If the brain is continuously stimulated it is a bit difficult for it to rest.

The television in the room, the mobile phone on the bedside table and external noises are a disastrous combination that does not allow us to fall asleep.

On the contrary, when we are in rural areas and disconnected from technology (in some cases, even electric light) the mind perceives only a few relaxing sounds. It can be a waterfall, an insect or the wind moving the leaves of a tree.

Recover your spirits and improve your mood

Irritability, anger, anger and fights are typical of life in cities. In the field everything unfolds more calmly and, almost as if by magic, the humor and spirits improve.

Outdoor activities help eliminate bad feelings, grudges, and problems; therefore, they make us see the positive side of things and maintain a better attitude.

It is frequent that when walking through a forest or beach the smile appears without us forcing it.

Increase self-esteem

In the rural or natural environment, the only race that must be won is against oneself. It will not be easy at first to let go of negative thoughts or ideas that keep us from moving forward.

However, little by little the tranquility and the landscape will do their job so that we can accept ourselves as we are.

People with self-esteem issues benefit from vacations outdoors, away from comparisons and with time to find and trust the inner self.

Undoubtedly, there are many advantages of spending a few days in contact with nature.

So, if you are too overwhelmed in the city, organize a getaway to a quiet and beautifully landscaped place and take advantage of its great benefits.

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