Why The Silicon Valley Diet Is So Popular

There are several diets that will help you regain your figure. This time you will know everything you need to know about the famous Silicon Valley diet and how to apply it to lose weight.

There are infinities of diets, with various names and created by people in places you can’t even imagine. Of so many in the catalog, you probably don’t know which one to choose. This time,  we are talking about one of those new trends: the Silicon Valley diet.

You may not have heard of it, but it is very famous where it gets its name. Silicon Valley is located in California, United States, and is known as the center where all high-tech computer companies converge.

However, in addition to imposing new electronic creations, they often innovate with cultural trends, new combinations of clothes and strange haircuts. But that’s not all, now they have focused their attention on this controversial diet.

What is the Silicon Valley diet?

Coffee on the Silicon Valley diet.

The Silicon Valley diet is the new method to lose weight that has conquered locals and strangers in the technological capital. A novelty compared to the classic look that nutritionists promote on meal plans. It consists of two simple steps: fasting and drinking exorbitant amounts of coffee.

Without a doubt, it is not without controversy, because it may help to eliminate the extra kilos. However, what happens to the nutrients that the body needs to function properly? It is a valid question, but those who defend this method justify it with two arguments :

  • Fasting regulates the feeling of hunger and creates satiety. In addition, it makes it easier to control the glucose present in the blood. This is demonstrated by a study published in Nutrients .
  • Regular consumption of coffee has been shown to be effective in increasing fat oxidation and maximizing weight loss.

We recommend reading: The brain chooses what nutrients it needs

Fasting and our body

Phil Libin is the leading promoter of the Silicon Valley diet. He was the CEO of the software company Evernote, and throughout his career he has devoted himself to developing artificial intelligence research and inventions.

His eating routine consists of fasting for two to eight days incorporating only coffee, tea and water. When he could eat normally, he did so in very select restaurants in the city of San Francisco. The next day he returned to fast. However, it must be borne in mind that long fasts can be detrimental to maintaining muscle mass. Even so, there is evidence that such protocols increase mitochondrial effectiveness.

This trend was called  biohacking, which is translated as “hacking” the body. Libin has explained on several occasions that this technique helped him to have more concentration, better humor and a more constant supply of energy.

Libin’s achievements

Man reading and drinking coffee.

During this process, Phil Libin lost a total of 40 kilos. The biohacking that he implemented transferred the dietary benefits and not only achieved a better state of health, but also improved his intellectual performance.

Libin was introduced with greater force in its job market, becoming one of the most competitive pieces. This list of successes made the Silicon Valley diet known there as a true food revolution.

Why is it so popular?

The Silicon Valley Diet has many proponents in the tech niche. One of his followers is Geoffrey Woo.  This man is a co-founder of HVMN, one of the best-known e-commerce platforms in the world.

Considered a tech guru, Woo argues that biohacking brings the mental clarity that every CEO needs. As part of his experiment with the Silicon Valley diet, he encouraged his employees to base their diet on water for seven continuous days.

In this way, he measured his blood glucose and ketone levels. Faced with the decrease in glucose, ketones appear that survive with the fat stored in the body.

Woo advocates that ketones boost mental health, even with dizziness and nausea. In this way, this proposal has impacted the minds of the youngest entrepreneurs.

Is it a good or bad decision?

Benefits and cons of fasting.

Aitor Sánchez, Spanish dietitian and nutritionist author of the book My diet no longer limps , published an article on this subject for the newspaper El País , entitled  What is the Silicon Valley diet? Something new? There he exposes that weight loss occurs not because of fasting, but because the person eats less.

So it is not a novel method. However, you have to be alert because this regimen only considers mental health and forgets our physical requirements. “This diet is not anywhere near the ideal way to lose weight, but it is also not the most comfortable or intuitive,” said Sánchez.

Beware of very restrictive diets

It is not unreasonable to claim that the Silicon Valley diet is a radical weight loss practice. Therefore, before you decide to undergo this regimen, it is advisable to visit a specialist. He will guide you on this path and will recommend an eating model designed for your body and needs.

Remember that each person is different and that everyone does not have the same needs. If you want to lose weight, it is important that you know the body and that you work with a plan specially designed for your characteristics.

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