What Is Whiplash?

Whiplash (also known as whiplash ) is an injury that occurs frequently, especially as a result of car accidents.

Neurologically, it is included within head injuries, although the main affected region is the neck. Therefore, we will first briefly explain the anatomy of this area.

Brief cervical anatomy

The human being has seven cervical vertebrae (from C1 to C7). The most peculiar are the first two:

  • C1: is the atlas. The occipital bone sits on it, with the occipitoatloid joint appearing between these two structures . It is this joint that we use when turning the head.
  • C2: is the axis. It is the structure that communicates the occipitoatloid joint with the rest of the neck.

    Each vertebra has a hole in the middle through which the spinal cord passes, and two holes on the sides, where nerves exit. These transmit the sensitivity of the upper extremities. All the vertebrae are joined behind by the so-called yellow ligament.

    Mechanism of production of whiplash

    Getting too little sleep increases the risk of accidents.

    In the present case, the injury appears by an indirect mechanism. This means that the offending object does not come into contact with the head region.

    The most common cause of whiplash is traffic accidents. In addition, this injury is usually the result of subsequent collisions. The consequence is that the neck performs a strong flexion and subsequent extension. Thus, the sprain of the occipitoatloid joint occurs .

    A sprain is an injury to the ligaments around a joint. We can say, then, that whiplash is, ultimately, the injury to the yellow ligament around the occipitoatloid joint.

    Symptoms of whiplash

    Whiplash Symptoms.

    Neck pain is the most frequent and obvious symptom. However, the neck is a passage area for multiple nerve structures, especially in its upper part. Thus, the specific functions of the nerves that are damaged in each case are also affected.

    It may be the case that the nerves that carry sensation in the upper extremities are injured. If this happens, the neck pain may radiate to the shoulders or arms. The so-called paresthesias, popularly known as “tingling”, which can also be experienced on the face, may also be evident.

    The vestibulocochlear nerve, which also runs through the upper neck, can also be affected. It is made up of two nerves that are born in the ear and then join:

    • Cochlear part: is responsible for conducting sound.
    • Vestibular part: it is responsible for balance.

    Thus, to the injury, they appear loss of balance, dizziness and tinnitus. Tinnitus, also called tinnitus, refers to the situation in which someone spontaneously hears noises. Tinnitus often comes in the form of buzzing sounds.

    In addition to neck pain, headaches appear. It is important to investigate the origin of this symptom, as it could be showing a brain injury. However, it is more frequently secondary to the strong contraction of the neck muscles.

    On the other hand, in terms of symptoms related to the locomotor system, loss of mobility and strength are evidenced above all .

    Whiplash treatment

    Whiplash treatment.

    Depending on the severity of the whiplash, one treatment or another will be instituted. In the acute (initial) phase, the following drugs are useful:

    • Anti-inflammatories: such as ibuprofen, naproxen, among others.
    • Muscle relaxants: such as diazepam.

    In the following phases , physiotherapy is very useful. Depending on the condition of each patient, they can be practiced from passive cervical mobilizations to electrotherapy.

    The use of the collar is also widespread ; immobilizes it to prevent further damage and speed healing. However, it can increase complications (eg disuse cervical muscle atrophy) or prolong pain. That is why it is necessary to restrict its use only to cases that require it, and for a short period of time.

    If there is compression of the spinal cord or a spinal nerve, surgery may be necessary.

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