4 Soups To Prevent The Flu

If we choose the ingredients well, soups could be, in addition to a delicious food, a true medicinal remedy. Here are the recipes to prepare 4 healthy and tasty soups that will help you alleviate, for example, the tightness in the chest and excess expectoration, typical of the flu.

Who doesn’t feel like a soup when they start to feel the symptoms of the flu or a cold? Soups are also ideal for cold days. If we choose the ingredients well, soups could be, in addition to a delicious food, a true medicinal remedy.

You may wonder why. Well, because only they provide us with many of the vitamins and minerals that the body needs to incorporate daily.

In this article, we entrust you with 4 recipes to prepare healthy and tasty soups that will help you fight the symptoms of the flu. We are talking, of course, about the headache, the tightness in the chest, the nasal congestion and the weakness that this state usually brings with it.

Onion soup to alleviate the flu

Onion is a soup that we can find on the menu of many restaurants. The version that we put at your disposal here is lighter. In this way, the body will digest it more easily. It will help us, above all, to expectorate and, therefore, to release the toxins that the body has taken from us.

In addition, we will season the soup with a pinch of cayenne pepper. Taken in small amounts, this spice provides us with warmth  and helps to get rid of the phlegm trapped in the chest.


  • We fry an onion with very little oil and a pinch of salt. It is recommended to cover the casserole so that the onion dehydrates well.
  • When it is soft or poached, we will add a glass of vegetable broth and a pinch of cayenne pepper.
  • If we beat it, we will be able to give the soup a little more body.

Serve it piping hot. Take the opportunity to breathe deeply on the plate while you wait for it to reach the right temperature to be able to drink it. Not only will this whet your appetite, it will also help you warm up.

A curiosity…

By the way, did you know that placing half an onion in the room where you sleep could help you counteract the symptoms of the flu or the common cold? Try to do it. The next morning, you will notice the improvement.

onion soup lablascovegmenu

Garlic soup, millet and seaweed, to boost the defenses

It is as delicious as it is medicinal. Hence, it is difficult to determine which of these two aspects make this such a profitable soup.

Regarding its ingredients, it is necessary to say that garlic is a natural antibiotic that helps to increase our defenses. Millet, for its part, is the only alkalizing cereal. This makes it particularly digestive, so it helps to combat the acidification that takes place in the body when we are sick.

The algae are not far behind. They provide this preparation with many of its minerals. They are also ideal for treating the tiredness and weakness characteristic of the flu. We can choose between nori, wakame or sea spaghetti seaweed, for example.


  1. We fry three cloves of garlic in a little oil and add two glasses of broth, two tablespoons of millet and the seaweed.
  2. Let it cook for 45 minutes.
  3. After that time, it will be ready to taste.

Celery, carrot and ginger soup, to reduce fever

Even separately, these three ingredients are cleansing. It is a fact that the elimination of toxins is of great help to lower the fever. Hence, it helps to indirectly alleviate the discomfort that accompanies feverish states.

As if that were not enough, it is very comforting to have this soup. It not only comforts when we feel cold, but particularly when we are going through a flu episode.


  1. Cut the celery and carrot into very small pieces.
  2. We put them to cook in 1 1/2 glass of water (150 ml) and a pinch of salt.
  3. We add 2 slices of fresh ginger or 1/2 teaspoon of ground ginger.

The result is a very light broth that we can drink throughout the day. If we want to obtain a more consistent soup, we could add a little brown rice or flaked oatmeal.

Chris Campbell carrot cream soup

Thyme and egg soup, to counteract a cough

This recipe is an ancient remedy and a traditional recipe from Catalonia. There it is served in restaurants, prepared with meat broth, bread and cheese.

However, the recipe that we propose prepares to alleviate the symptoms of the flu, it is much lighter. The goal of this version is for the body to digest it easily.

In addition to being a medicinal plant, thyme has the great advantage of being a plant with wide use in cooking. Hence, the taste of the dishes that contains it is so familiar and pleasant. All this explains, therefore, that homemade stamp that also characterizes this soup that we propose.

When we talk about its benefits, we cannot fail to mention that  thyme helps us to raise our defenses. It also has antiseptic properties and is of great help when we need to alleviate the inconveniences associated with coughing.


  1. Sauté a clove of garlic and half an onion. We could also add cabbage, turnip, carrot or any other vegetable that we have at home.
  2. We add 2 glasses of vegetable broth and a few sprigs of fresh or dried thyme.
  3. Unless you are at the critical moment of the flu, if you wanted to give the soup a greater consistency, you could add a raw egg. Therefore, it is up to you to do it or not. If you do opt for this, be sure to stir well so that it comes apart completely.

Its aromatic smell will delight your senses. Once you have completely overcome the flu, you could take it with it with a toast with cheese.

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