Emotional Emptiness: I Am Missing Something That I Cannot Explain

Emotional emptiness is not cured by objects, people or certain habits. The only way to fill it is by focusing on who really matters: you.

Sometimes, it seems as if there is a kind of hole inside you that you do not know how it has formed and it makes you feel incomplete, insufficient and sad. You may even feel the need to fill it with something and in that desperate search to find it you end up doing things that harm you. It is an emotional void.

This feeling usually appears after the death of a loved one, a couple breakup, or simply after a disappointment. And it is usually closely linked to a loss of the meaning of life.

For this reason, you have to pay due attention to it because if that void persists over time and begins to fill with people and things, the only thing you will be doing is patching up the real reason why it has been present in your life.

The infinite emotional void

Sad woman with emotional void

Many people try to fill this emotional void by taking refuge in material things. For example, they immerse themselves in compulsive shopping habits that ultimately carry a heavy burden of conscience.

They spend money to escape and distract themselves from what causes them so much pain. However, this is just a patch that will not fix the real problem.

Other people choose to fill the emotional void with people they tie, manipulate, and use so they don’t feel alone. This is a serious mistake, because they hurt both others and themselves, and end up in very destructive and unfortunate relationships.

On many occasions, compulsive eating, drugs or self-harm is also chosen . This happens because the emotional emptiness is so unbearable that they try to escape or flee from it through these types of habits and behaviors.

Its origins could be in childhood

Childhood is a very important stage because in it the deficiencies and most of the affective and emotional problems that cause so many difficulties in adult life are generated.

Having grown up in an unstructured family, having parents with a dysfunctional relationship or having suffered some kind of abuse are very relevant factors in this area.

As a child, one seems to adapt to everything. However, when growing up, things are different. Past experiences burst into life with greater force than ever and cause difficulties.

Sometimes what happened at this stage is not really remembered. Therefore, going to a psychologist will be very important.

Thanks to therapy, the root of the problem can be discovered. In addition, the therapist will provide the necessary tools to manage discomfort and begin to walk on the path of well-being.

Girl doing psychological therapy

The void will generate more void

In this context, there is one aspect that must be clear: no matter how much a solution is sought, if it is external, that is, if you try to cover the void with people, clothing, food or certain habits, it will remain.

The momentary patches are useless, they will become a vicious cycle that will generate anxiety and a lot of discomfort.  Sometimes they even have doubts and fear to ask for help, when this is one of the best decisions one can make.

It is important that you cannot always face things alone and that asking for help is not a question of vulnerability, but of courage to want to improve. The responsibility to be well always corresponds to oneself.

The emotional emptiness will continue to make you feel empty if you don’t start filling it with love for yourself. Good self-esteem is the main engine that will make you feel good again and that will allow those wounds to heal.

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