What Happens In Our Body When We Are In Love?

When we are in love, the brain fills with substances that make us feel happy. Therefore, for it to last, it is best to take care of our self-esteem and our autonomy

Loving someone cannot be compared to anything. It is a unique emotion. When we are in love we feel it throughout our body: on the lips, hands, stomach … Love seems to spread over the skin and take over every corner.

That is why there is so much mythology and poetry around it. When we are in love, we say that we think with our hearts or that we have butterflies in our guts.

However, in the end it all comes down to pure chemistry. However, the segregation of substances is so unique that we can compare it with that which occurs in obsessive-compulsive disorders.

If you think about it, it might not surprise you so much, haven’t you ever felt that you can’t live without it or without it? Is it not difficult for us to imagine ourselves without the presence of the loved one in our life?

All these statements are also given in people who have this problem, as well as in substance addicts.

In fact, we may be dependent on love or hormones released when we see that person.

Do you want to know what they are and what are their effects? Do not fear, even knowing it, that passion will not lose its magic.

What happens to us when we are in love

Makes us feel alive

couple on the beach

It is a very typical expression of the first moments of falling in love. If we also come from a monotonous or complicated time, we come to say “it has woken me up”.

As if, before the other person was, you had been immersed in an almost useless lethargy. That energy comes from our brain.

Knowing that the loved one exists generates dopamine and serotonin. The immediate effect is an extra dose of strength that gives you the courage to do things that you did not dare before.

However, the body gets used to everything and also to having that level of hormones in the brain. This can lead us to leave our partner because we think that we are no longer in love.

However, sometimes we realize that we have been wrong when we notice its lack. Therefore, we recommend facing these situations calmly and with dialogue, before doing something irreparable.

In this sense, surely you have met (or even happened to you yourself) people who have never had long relationships.

This happens because there are those who are hooked on this initial energy injection. So, as soon as his body gets used to it, he decides to break up and find another company that arouses the same excitement.

We feel connected thanks to oxytocin

We sit down to talk with our partner and, suddenly, we are surprised by telling him what we have never said to anyone.

You don’t know why, but the connection is such that you can’t help but think “I’m home. According to some studies, oxytocin is responsible for this happening. Thanks to her, we feel comfortable, confident, free from danger.

Now, the appearance of it can be caused by real events or our imaginations. We wish with great intensity that the other is the definitive person. Therefore, it  may be that our expectations are not due to real reasons.

It is here when we affirm “it was not what I thought”, but how to avoid it? Listen to your partner and not to that inner voice that tells you what you want to hear.

You may feel scared

However, not everything that happens to us when we are in love is good. Oxytocin is also linked to jealousy.

When our brain detects signs that we can lose what we love, levels of this substance drop and cortisol, the stress hormone, increases.

It is here when we are overcome by panic that he is moving away from us and anger at what we consider to be betrayal. To solve it, again it is best to pay attention to the facts and not to fear.

Weighted analysis helps balance our nervous system, terror throws it out of adjustment. So what are you going to listen to?

Yes, those who say that love is a drug are right. However, it is a natural one, with no side effects other than happiness, as long as you listen to information that comes from other channels.

For oxytocin, dopamine or serotonin to help us to improve and not to worsen, it is necessary to have a good self-esteem and to conceive of oneself as an autonomous being. We should not think of ourselves only as someone linked to another.

These two issues will be the antidote to the inconveniences of love, so you will only get well-being and support from your relationship.

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