4 Benefits Of Cycling

Riding a bicycle to get around the city is a way to take advantage of its benefits almost without realizing that you are making an effort. We tell you some benefits of this means of transport and exercise.

Riding a bike has many benefits that you may not be aware of. In certain countries, the bicycle is used as a normal means of transport, unlike others in which the use of the car or public transport predominates. It is also a widely used tool for exercising. Do you include yourself in either of these two groups?

Next, we suggest you discover some benefits of cycling that you probably never noticed. When you discover them, you may be encouraged to dust yours and give it more use!

4 reasons to ride a bike more often

In addition to being fun, riding a bicycle helps improve physical fitness and provides a very pleasant feeling of well-being, especially if you do it in a pleasant place and with a climate that accompanies it.

This improvement in mood is due to the release of endorphins in the body produced by physical exercise, which we will delve into later. You also develop other physical abilities, which we will talk about below.

1. You exercise without realizing it

Riding a bicycle

When you use the bicycle to go to work or to run an errand, you probably do not realize that you are doing physical activity. This is because you do not consider yourself to be making a great effort.  

If you start to include the bicycle in your day to day, you will also realize that you have less problems parking than when you used the car. Also, you will realize that you enjoy a certain freedom in the event that you depend on public transport for your daily movements. They are all benefits!

2. You tone your body

Riding a bike on a daily basis to go to work or school will allow you to feel more active. Also, over time you will notice how your body is more toned. The legs will be stronger, the abdomen more resistant and you will feel much better about yourself.

This is a very important question for older adults, since all these effects will allow to maintain the functionality of your body, muscle tone and even prevent injuries. This stems from a study by The Physician and Sports Medicine that, while not only talking about cycling, highlights the benefits of exercising four or five times a week.

This way of exercising, which some would consider very light, is excellent for those who do not like to practice sports or who find it difficult to find time to do it.  What’s more, by exercising you will be motivated to eat healthier and take care of yourself a little more in general.

3. You improve your mood

Happy woman

Riding a bike has a very positive mental health benefit. Stress, worries and anxiety cause that, sometimes, you do not feel in a good mood.

Although many people consider riding a bicycle as a light exercise, it does serve to secrete endorphins. This hormone, which according to research published by Sports Medicine is released during exercise, will make you feel happier, calmer and more optimistic.

Therefore, riding a bicycle can be a great idea to feel better, with greater motivation and a more positive attitude. This will benefit you in all areas of your life.

4. You stimulate the locomotor system

For those who suffer from joint or ligament problems, suffer from osteoarthritis or hip problems, walking can be somewhat tedious and difficult. In these circumstances, riding a bicycle can be a very good option.

Some people may think that exercising, even light, in these cases can harm them. However, the body is like a machine and, if it is not exercised, its deterioration can accelerate. 

Therefore, maintaining a cycling routine can help improve osteoarthritis, as explained by research published by Rehabilitation . This is much better than standing still. AND Exercise is always good, although in some cases it should be done in a less intense way.

Riding a bike, a good way to do sports

Putting on sneakers for exercise

Practicing sports on a daily basis can help you obtain the benefits we have mentioned. Now, for this, it is necessary to be constant: you have to include sport as one more routine in your life.

A good way is to start small, as you would any other habit. One way would be e start riding a bike to work, for example, once a week, then twice, and so on; This will make this activity look like a habit.

Exercise is always positive, whether it is practiced going to the gym, walking or riding a bicycle; the goal is to move. If you don’t ride a bike regularly, we encourage you to give it a try and see how good it feels.

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