What Is The Emotional Release Technique?

Many are the methods we use to seek our well-being. One of the most important goals is our mental stability. Whether through exercise, psychotherapy, or traditional medicine, the reality is that we want to achieve balance. Today we will be describing one of the techniques that it is believed could help us: the emotional release technique.

Here we present the technique, but we recommend that, if you want to try it, you consult a psychologist. A professional is the one who can help you the most on these occasions.

What is the emotional release technique?

The  Release Technique Emotional  or  EFT (its acronym in English, Emotional Freedom Technique ) is an alternative practice of  psychotherapy, which uses as a basis acupressure and acupuncture. The patient must focus on a specific traumatic memory, repeat positive phrases and, most importantly, hit or massage the acupuncture points or meridians. It has been used to treat anxiety, depression and various phobias and it is believed that it can:

  • Eliminate negative emotions
  • Relieve or eliminate pain
  • Influence appetite
  • Insert new positive goals

While many specialists call this technique pseudoscientific because its results are not standard and cannot be measured, others consider it to be very effective in manipulating the body’s energy. Would you like to know a little more?

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How to practice the Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT?

  • It has no age restriction and is based on the tapping technique.
  • Remove glasses and watch before doing so.
  • You can do it at home or on the street.
  • Let’s think about the issue that concerns us and summarize it in one sentence, for example: “I feel alone.”
  • Now let’s formulate the positive words: “EVEN IF I feel lonely, I DEEPLY AND COMPLETELY ACCEPT MYSELF.”
  • We will accompany the phrase (out loud and visualizing the problem) with firm taps with the lower part of the little finger of the left hand in these areas: top of the head, eyebrows, on one side of the eyes and below, under nose, chin, collarbone, wrists and under arms.
    • We breathe in and breathe out deeply, feeling the changes.

    It is believed that after a few sessions, we will be more balanced and positive people. However, remember that it may not work to control your anxiety and the best thing you can do is consult with a mental health professional if this technique is right for you.

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