The Avocado Pit Has These 10 Benefits For Your Health And Beauty

We can take advantage of the avocado pit both externally, as part of our treatments, and internally, including it in our recipes. We will have to dry it in the sun and, later, grate it

Avocado is a food widely known worldwide for its delicious taste and high nutritional value. What many still ignore is that  the pit that the avocado  contains inside it also has incredible properties for the body and beauty.

In addition, its green pulp is loaded with essential fatty acids, antioxidants, proteins and other substances that, after being ingested, benefit health.

Although this does not have a flavor as special as the fruit, it can be used in multiple ways so as not to waste its benefits.

And it is that, although it does not seem like it, it is a source of fiber and essential amino acids that prevent and fight various diseases.

Here we want to give in detail 10 good reasons for you to give them more use before throwing it away. Do not miss it!

1. As a first measure, does it improve cardiovascular health?

Avocado pit improves cardiovascular health

It is estimated that at least 70% of the total amino acids in avocado are found in its pit.

The essential oils obtained from it are believed to help control cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and other cardiovascular conditions that increase the risk of heart attacks.

However, according to this study carried out by the Tuits University, only an increase in good cholesterol (HDL) is seen, without clear evidence linking avocado intake with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

2. It also has properties that fight stomach infections

The fiber it contains will stimulate the bowel movement,  thus avoiding slow digestions to facilitate the expulsion of waste.

It is considered that due to its anti-inflammatory properties it is used as a remedy against diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms derived from bacterial and viral infections. Although it is true, according to this study carried out by the University of São Paulo (Brazil), which has properties against inflammation, there is no scientific evidence that associates it with a supposed antidiarrheal capacity, only this research carried out by the University of Chile emphasizes in its protective role against a pair of related intestinal pathogens.

3. Does it help prevent cancer?

There is no scientific evidence to support such a claim. Studies have only been carried out in rodents and, furthermore, they are very limited.

4. Prevents oxidative damage

The high content of antioxidants provided by this seed has been used to repair tissues and cells affected by oxidative damage. This is stated in this study carried out by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain).

Its essential oils and extracts are one of the active compounds in various  products for skin and hair rejuvenation.

By including it in the diet, the risk of suffering from chronic diseases linked to aging is reduced.

5. Strengthens the immune system

The phenolic compounds in avocado pit have been used as part of the treatment against viral infections and allergies.

Its action in the body increases the presence of antibodies and strengthens the immune system to avoid debilitating diseases, according to this study carried out by the Federal University of Pelotas (Brazil).

6. Fight pain and inflammation

Avocado pit as bone aid

As we have already mentioned, the anti-inflammatory agents in these seeds reduce pain and inflammation in patients with disorders such as arthritis, gastritis and colitis.

However, we must consult your intake with your doctor if we suffer from any of these problems.

7. Prevents wrinkles

One of the most interesting cosmetic uses has to do with its ability to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, as stated in this study carried out by the company Nutrition Science Solutions (United States).

Its flavanols and antioxidants stop free radical damage and increase collagen production for younger, firmer skin.

8. Improves hair health

People with hair problems like dryness, dandruff, and split ends can improve their mane with the help of this natural ingredient.

The beneficial fats increase your natural moisture and prevent hair dryness  .

9. Helps regulate the thyroid

Regulates the thyroid

The nutrients contained in this bone are also believed to be beneficial for individuals with thyroid gland problems such as hypothyroidism.

However, there is no scientific evidence to support this assumption.

10. Finally, it also increases the energies

The nutrients in this food are related to the increase of physical and mental energy. By including them in the diet , physical and mental performance is increased for better productivity during the day.

How to take advantage of the benefits of the avocado pit?

Avocado bone properties

Do not throw the bone in the trash, put it to dry in the sun and pass it through a grater obtaining its powder.

This ingredient can be added to soups, smoothies, salads and many other recipes that you include in your diet.

If you want to use it for cosmetic purposes, you can incorporate it into your yogurt, egg or essential oil masks, among others.

Are you still wasting these prodigious seeds? Now that you know how you can use them, don’t hesitate to take advantage of all their properties.

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