An Unsaid Emotion Is A Pain We Suffer

If you have localized pain, review your emotions and try to heal them to alleviate physical suffering. Believe it or not, psychological problems are reflected in our body

Everything that we keep quiet accumulates inside us and can cause diseases. Yes, as you are reading it. “What cannot be expressed in words comes to light in the form of pains. Remember this phrase because it will help you talk about an emotion, feeling or thought.

In this article we will tell you why emotions make us sick and, of course, how to avoid it.

The impact of emotions on the body

The body can send us many signals even if we do not pay attention to them. When we keep quiet and don’t talk about our emotions for a long time , they accumulate and can cause illness.

Fear, envy, criticism … Everything ends up in a kind of “chest” that only serves to make us feel bad, mentally and physically. Sometimes the disease is a message that the body offers us so that we know that there is an emotional blockage or some aspect of life that is worth changing or eliminating.

Thus, when we are not going in the right direction, when we close our mouths so as not to generate a fight or avoid certain topics so as not to break ties, then symptoms or pains appear. Many illnesses can be caused by emotions. Depending on what feeling is affected or unbalanced, one or the other will be the organ or part of the body that suffers.

Pain is a red flag and we cannot turn a deaf ear to it. When it appears we would have to stop in our activities and determine what are the negative thoughts or beliefs too ingrained in our lives to hurt us.

A negative emotion, a disease

There is a kind of psychosomatic connection or relationship that connects a thought with a symptom. Perhaps we should not go to the doctor to check us and offer us a treatment, but do introspection work to improve what we think and, consequently, how we feel.

Stress can cause ulcers or heart attacks, depression can cause a lack of energy or increased appetite … Somatic language is easy to understand. The most frequent pains and problems have an emotional origin:


The center, the connection with the outside can hurt daily due to an acceleration of the blood pulse. This pain indicates an inability to communicate or express basic feelings, such as love.



It relates the mind and the body. When there is little mobility it can not only be due to poor sleep, but also to having a limited and rigid vision of life. Stubbornness and narrow-mindedness lead to neck pain, as well as excessive stress.


When we solve a problem we say that “we take a weight off our back”. That burden we carry is related to feelings or experiences from the past that have not yet been forgiven or forgotten.

In the back is the spinal column, that pillar that allows us to do all our activities. Pain in this area warns that something is not right. It is a sign that we must lighten the weight of our emotions.


It is related to love, but also to other emotions such as hatred. It is the center of feelings and its complications can derive from being immersed in complex or desperate situations. Maybe we’ve gone too far with a relationship or paid attention to things that don’t bring us any good.


They allow us to move forward, but they also bring us stability. Feet transmit security to us and their problems could indicate that we do not feel safe, we do not know which way to go or how to think about the future and projects.

Did you also know that allergies are a sign of being very fearful, that hypertension is due to being too alert and that urinary tract infections are the product of negative feelings in our personal relationships?

Tips to channel emotions and not get sick

You may think that only negative emotions can make us sick, but that is not entirely true. For example, excess of joy causes hyperarousal and can damage the heart.

Some recommendations that can help you channel your feelings and avoid illness are:

Free yourself from disproportionate emotions

A good way to start is to identify your most frequent and excessive emotions. Whether positive or negative, they accumulate within us and their consequences can be harmful.

For example,  resentment or resentment are unhealthy emotions. How can we get rid of them? Through forgiveness. This technique is very valuable, because it allows you to get rid of what torments you and helps you to let go of the great burden you carry.

Get away from triggers

Once you know the emotions that hurt you and work to eliminate them from your life, the next step is to avoid a relapse. If, for example, you recognize that lack of tolerance is a serious problem for you, then do not approach situations that make you intolerant.

Until you are sure that you have eliminated that feeling in the bud, stay away from the triggers.

Get together with family and friends

The people we love are a great medicine for the pain of the soul. Perhaps it is time to tell them everything that you feel and have saved yourself for years.

It does not matter that you think it is better not to remove old memories: forgiving and healing is good for you and for the other.

Contact nature

Going for a walk in the park, going on a vacation to the mountains, practicing yoga or meditation on the beach, bathing in a river or exercising outdoors are all excellent activities to free yourself from negative and unhealthy feelings.

The process of emotional healing requires much more work than that of physical wounds. In addition, the task requires the courage to face our fears and blocks in order to overcome them. Never hide and take the necessary steps that allow you to take control and fill yourself with positive emotions to live happily.

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