Apple Cider Vinegar: New Uses Discovered

Apple cider vinegar is a natural product that has become popular for its various applications in alternative medicine. It has been credited with a number of benefits for decades,  many of which are already backed by science. Do you know what it is currently used for?  

Although some people often use it for gastronomic purposes,  this ingredient is packed with nutrients and properties that it is believed could be used to improve health.  In fact, it is the basis of many home treatments for both internal and external use. Let’s see how it is used.

Apple cider vinegar: its main uses in health

Apple cider vinegar is a natural product obtained from the fermentation of apple cider. As with other vinegars, it has been used in traditional medicine as an ally for various conditions that affect health.

Now, despite the fact that many of its uses are ancient, only recently were some of its effects proven. This time we want to review in detail the most important ones so that you do not stop taking them into account.

It would help lower blood glucose levels

Blood glucose to control diabetes.

This is very good news for diabetics. According to a study whose results were published in the journal Diabetes Care , apple cider vinegar may lower blood sugar after meals.

On the other hand, in a research carried out in 2007 it was shown that having a glass of vinegar water before going to sleep would help to keep blood sugar levels stable during the night.

In another study, the results of which were also published in the journal Diabetes Care , a group of people with insulin resistance drank a mixture of water and vinegar immediately before a meal.

It was observed that the patients who had taken vinegar before eating had more stable insulin levels and a much higher sensitivity to this hormone, compared to the control group.

In other words, drinking a mixture of water and vinegar before meals and before going to sleep could help patients with type 2 diabetes or those with insulin resistance (pre-diabetics) to improve their sugar and insulin levels. in blood.

It would favor the control of high cholesterol

According to research published in the British Journal of Nutrition , the level of fats in the blood decreased markedly in rats fed acetic acid (a substance present in vinegar) for 20 days. It is therefore likely that apple cider vinegar also has a positive effect on the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in humans.

It would help to lose weight

lose weight with apple cider vinegar

Regular consumption of apple cider vinegar could also be beneficial for those looking to lose weight. Thanks to its content of organic acids and antioxidant compounds, this ingredient would support the processes that improve the functioning of the metabolism.

In an investigation released through Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry , 173 people with obesity consumed this ingredient daily. At the end, the results showed that there was a reduction in abdominal fat and weight loss.

However, more studies are needed to verify these effects. However, this ingredient is believed to prolong satiety and therefore curb the anxiety that leads to overeating.

It should be noted that it is not a miracle ingredient to burn fat. In fact, it could be used as a supplement to a diet for weight loss and regular exercise. It is advisable to take a maximum of two tablespoons a day, dissolved in a glass of water.

It would ease a sore throat

Gargling with a mixture of water and apple cider vinegar would help relieve throat discomfort, due to its antiseptic and analgesic effect. After gargling, you should wash your teeth very well (after at least 30 minutes have passed) as their enamel could deteriorate due to acids.

Ideally, rinse your mouth with water (or mouthwash) after the vinegar, to prevent the pH from acidifying. Once this is done, wait between 30 minutes to an hour to brush your teeth.

In conclusion, taking a teaspoon of vinegar diluted in half a glass of water three times a day could have some benefits for your health.

However, certain precautions must be taken, as excess vinegar in the diet can cause damage to the gastric mucosa, low potassium levels and burns in the throat. Remember that, when in doubt, you should always consult your trusted doctor.

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