Are Carbohydrates Important In The Diet?

Carbohydrates are nutrients that fulfill different relevant functions in the body. They are also incorporated into the body through food. Now, do you know what role they play and what is their importance in the diet?

Although there is much controversy regarding their consumption, the truth is that there is enough scientific evidence to support the benefits they can provide. Keep reading and learn more about this topic.

What are carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates, also known as carbohydrates, carbohydrates or saccharides, are a large group of organic molecules that represent the primary biological form of energy storage and consumption. They are the most abundant organic compounds in nature and also the most consumed by humans.

What are carbohydrates?

Types of carbohydrates

In general, they are made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, but they can also contain other bioactive elements such as nitrogen. There are those carbohydrates that are small in size and are known as “simple”, such as the glucose and fructose present in honey.

However, in nature those of the “complex” type predominate. These are formed by the union of many carbohydrate molecules that are grouped into starches. In this way, they constitute the energy reserve of food.

In addition, they also form cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin, which give them their structure. The latter are what are known as dietary fiber.

Carbohydrates in food: where to find them?

Often when it comes to carbohydrates, most people associate them with foods made from refined flours, such as bakery products. However, it is unknown that this nutrient integrates many of the commonly consumed foods. Next, we detail in which foods they are present.

  • Honey, sugar, fruits. They contain simple carbohydrates and pectin.
  • Whole grains and legumes. They provide dietary fiber.
  • Potato, sweet potato, corn, cassava. They contain starches.
  • Vegetables. They contain cellulose and hemicellulose.

In addition, due to their structure, carbohydrates determine the functionality and sensory characteristics of food, providing organoleptic properties such as flavor, color, viscosity and texture.

Carbohydrates in food: where to find them?

Importance of carbohydrates in the diet

Although it is very easy to incorporate them through various foods, their importance in the human diet is determined by the following:

  • They represent the main source of energy for the living organism.
  • They are essential for the brain, since this organ depends on this macronutrient and needs 130 grams per day.
  • They are essential for red blood cells and the kidney.
  • Dietary fiber fulfills important gastrointestinal functions, since it improves intestinal transit, helps lower cholesterol and, in addition, helps maintain blood glucose levels.

How many carbohydrates to include in the diet?

An optimal diet should be one in which 55% of total energy comes from complex, low-glycemic carbohydrates, such as whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits.

According to the Diabetes Association of Canada, your daily intake of calories from carbohydrates should be between 45% and 60%.

Also, several studies have suggested that diets with carbohydrates from natural sources, compared with those rich in fat, reduce the tendency to be obese.

Why are carbohydrates said to be unhealthy?

This common saying is associated with the fact that, in general, simple carbohydrates are added in large quantities to processed products. Because of this, many industrialized foods can raise blood glucose or cause health problems. The following are some examples:

  • Soft drinks and sodas.
  • Breakfast cereals, ice cream, chocolates, jams and pastries in general.
  • Desserts and dairy products, such as custards and sweetened yogurts.
  • Processed acidic and salty products, such as dressings.

What should be clear about carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body and serve very important functions. However, it is important to choose the complex type over the simple ones. The latter are not advised and are linked to health problems.

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