Eliminate Bad Breath Permanently

A quick and effective method to eliminate bad breath is to do long rinses with water and mint infusions, every day, on an empty stomach.

Bad breath can condition the lives of those who have it. It is a very annoying problem that affects even the mood of the person.

However, bad breath, or as it is known in medical terms, halitosis, is defined by the Spanish Dental Foundation, as bad breath that generally has an oral origin, and it is believed that it happens this way, approximately in 80 or 90% of the cases.

However, there is a proportion of patients, it is believed that 20%, who suffer from these problems for other causes, such as respiratory or digestive diseases, for example.

To these two groups, there is another 20% who believe, wrongly, that they suffer from this disorder and it is usually a false sensation caused by having a dry mouth, perhaps stress or anxiety.

For these reasons stated above, it should be noted that it is assessed by a specialist. It may require specific treatment if what we want is to have a good quality of life in general.

In this article we explain the possible causes that cause halitosis , as well as some natural remedies that will help you eliminate it completely.

Information on bad breath

Halitosis affects 1 in 3 people and it is estimated according to this study that around 30% of the population suffers or has suffered from bad breath at some point.

So, by mere logic, those who have it, are looking for a way to hide the problem a bit. Sometimes they avoid routine events in which they have close contact with other people.

Most common causes of bad breath

Bacterial plaque

Plaque bacteria can be one of the causes of bad breath.

In almost half of the cases, the reason for bad breath is due to the bacterial plaque present on the tongue. Sometimes it is the fault of poor hygiene and other times it is the consequence of a diet rich in sugars and refined products.

In addition to brushing our teeth after every meal, we recommend using a tongue cleaner. It is a utensil that helps us to drag and clean the bacteria that accumulate in the upper layer. It is recommended above all, if we appreciate that the tongue has a white or grayish color.

We can also opt for some natural homemade alternatives that could help us eliminate toxins that accumulate in the mouth and on the tongue.

These are the famous “swims”, also known as natural mouthwashes. To do them we will only have to rinse our mouth for about 8 or 10 minutes a day, on an empty stomach, with water and some infusions, such as mint.

Smoking and bad breath

Smoking is one of the most common causes of bad breath.

This factor does not go unnoticed. One of the most unpleasant smells in the mouth is that of those who smoke. Not only because of the smell of tobacco itself, but also because smoking promotes an accumulation of toxic substances that progressively poison us.

If we are smokers, we cannot hope to resolve halitosis without giving up this habit that is harmful to health in general. There are many types of therapies that can help us to stop smoking. It is best to see a medical professional who will include us in a smoking cessation program.

Respiratory disorders

One of the most unknown causes of bad breath is that of respiratory disorders, which Breastcancer.org defines as what it feels like when you cannot breathe well, it is difficult or uncomfortable to take the oxygen that your body needs.

So, to help solve halitosis caused by respiratory problems we can follow the following tips:

  • Drink at least 2 liters of water a day, outside of meals.
  • Do not abuse dairy or flour in our diet.
  • Ventilate the rooms of our house often, especially the bedroom.
  • Place plants that help to purify the air in our house, such as potus.
  • Carry out washes with the help of a nasal lotus.
  • Drink infusions and steam with medicinal plants that help us to expectorate, such as eucalyptus, pine, mint or ginger.

Recurrent breathing disorders can cause bad breath.

Digestive disorders

This is the least common of cases, but also one of the most difficult to solve. We are talking about halitosis due to digestive disorders.

According to the Breath Institute, infections such as that caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, can lead to halitosis.

It also explains that there are cases of association with gastritis, gastroduodenal ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease, gastroesophageal reflux, Zenker’s diverticulum, presence of a foreign body of the pharynx, hiatal hernia, belching, vomiting and neoplasms.

The stomach or liver may be affected, so the treatment must be very complete in order to carry out a purifying cure of the entire digestive tract.

In addition to prioritizing a balanced diet, we can also resort to some natural alternatives that facilitate digestive function. We list some of the medicinal plants, spices, and foods that can help the liver, gallbladder, and stomach function.

  • Boldo
  • Mint
  • Dandelion
  • Milk thistle
  • Turmeric
  • Ginger
  • Black pepper
  • Lemon

Another very important point that we must remember now is that we must take good care of what we eat, in such a way that we avoid suffering an episode of constipation. In case of suffering it, then we have some beneficial foods that will be of great help to us when it comes to regulating intestinal transit, among these:

  • Prunes
  • Flax seeds
  • Psyllium (Plantago psyllium)
  • Kiwi.

Final note

Bad breath is a common problem, it generally does not receive the attention it should be given, thus bringing health consequences, even social consequences in many cases. However, if it is not resolved with the remedies that we have shown you so far, then it is recommended that you go to a medical professional.

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