How Do Relaxation Techniques Help Restore Balance To A Disturbed System?

Every day we are exposed to different aspects that generate stress for us. There are also external situations that, in some way, influence our physical and mental health, also altering the balance of our system.

There are many factors that affect our body and wear down our energy:

  • There are the conscious or unconscious thoughts, which are products of our mind.
  • We also find external agents, which are hardly modifiable or predictable.

For these reasons, relaxation techniques have become increasingly popular for years. Despite being ancient methods, nowadays the interest of people is awakening to practice these techniques in order to restore balance to an altered system.

Here’s some important information on how these relaxation techniques help you feel better and achieve harmony between body and mind.

Relaxation techniques

exercise yoga relaxingmusic

Today, there are different types of relaxation techniques. Although each of them has a purpose and is carried out in a different way, they all have among their objectives:

  • Maintain the balance of a disturbed system
  • Bring out muscle tone
  • Create a space of peace where you can flow freely and harmoniously, from your thoughts to your body.

Relaxation techniques seek that, consciously, you do various exercises that help you voluntarily integrate into a state of consciousness.  This allows you to flow with your whole being and its vital energy.

For the relaxation process, breathing is a fundamental element. Although it is generally performed unconsciously, it greatly affects our quality of life.

For this reason, controlling our breathing is one of the purposes of relaxation techniques. By managing to control our breathing process, through fluid, cyclical and conscious work, many doors open to us.

These, in turn, allow us to strengthen our thoughts, as well as endless benefits, both physical and mental.

How do relaxation techniques help?


Relaxation techniques mainly help to restore the disturbed balance, because with them multiple benefits are obtained.

Here we will highlight some of the most important.

  • Decrease stress levels. By channeling your breath in a conscious way, you allow all your thoughts to flow, without any resistance, giving you a feeling of liberation and unique harmony.
  • Strengthen the quality of your thoughts. By becoming self-aware of its importance and influence, you allow yourself to use its creative power to your advantage.
  • It gives you a moment for yourself, to clear your mind of all the problems that afflict you.
  • Frequent practice, preferably daily, gives you a place of peace and rest in your hectic day. This also allows you to recharge yourself with positive energy.
  • It gives you a space to connect with yourself, to know your most liberating desires, feelings and thoughts. The purpose is to bring them to light and let them flow without resistance.
  • Improve your breathing, which greatly influences your quality of life, peace, and happiness.
  • It allows you to rest in a restorative and deep way. This way it makes you return to work or your activities with more desire and motivation.
  • Improves oxygenation of your body, blood pressure and circulation, which contributes to your physical health.
  • Relieves muscle tension, caused by stressors to which you are exposed daily, such as traffic, worries or the accumulation of tasks.
  • Improve your nervous system and, therefore, your ability to think clearly and accurately.
  • It allows you to more easily overcome situations of stress, conflict and trauma.

When can we perform relaxation techniques?

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The relaxation techniques can be practiced at any time of the day. We can dedicate them from a few minutes to an hour, if necessary.

Creating daily relaxation habits will not only allow you to regain your mental balance, but also your physical harmony.

Currently, there are countless techniques that provide you with all these benefits. Among the most suitable are:

  • Yoga
  • Massages
  • Rebirthing
  • Aikido
  • Tai Chi
  • Vipassana
  • Meditation
  • Controlled breathing

Dare to take the time to practice any of these and enjoy the benefits that will bring you to restore balance to your altered system.

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