How Should A Good Pillow Be To Rest Better?

What should a pillow be like to be able to enjoy a good night’s sleep ? Should it be squishy? Tough and small? Or better one cushion on top of another? Choosing a pillow is not silly, on the contrary. Think that you spend between 6 and 8 hours in bed, and that this accounts for almost a third of our lives.

There are many kinds of pillows and choosing the best one will depend, above all, on your habits, your postures and even if you are allergic or not. A pillow is not just “that squishy” where you can rest your head at night. You just have to think about how many mornings you wake up, for example, with neck pain. So, keep these tips in mind.

1. What is the best material for choosing a pillow?

There are many options on the market, hence you should take these aspects into account to choose the one that best suits your needs. Take note:

  • Rubber foam pillows: They offer us much better support for the head, it is more dense and, in general, they last quite a few years in good condition.
    • Polyester pillows: The drawback of polyester pillows is that, as we wash them, they lose density and volume. You will notice your head a little lower and, in the end, your cervicals will suffer. They are not a good option.
    • Latex or gel foam pillows: Lately they have become fashionable and we can find them anywhere. They are very firm and their advantages are, above all, in that they protect us from mold and mites. They are ideal for keeping our neck-back axis in balance.
    • Wool and cotton pillows: Their main benefit is that they do not cause allergies. If you tend to suffer from asthma or have an allergy to mites, they are an excellent option. Although, yes, they are usually quite harsh.
    • Feather pillows: It is one of the best known and most used fillings. However, the question is: Are they adequate? Of course. They offer firmness, cervical support and comfort. Against they have the fact that they usually cause quite a few allergies.

      2. In what position do you usually sleep?


      Do you sleep on your back?

      So choose a thin pillow. That way, your neck and your back will form the same angle and you will not suffer any muscle overload. Foam or rubber ones are very appropriate.

      Do you sleep on your side?

      In this case, the ideal pillow is the one that is the fattest. In this way, the neck-spine axis will always be in balance.

      Do you change your posture many times?

      If you are one of those who does not stay still in bed, then you need a very flexible pillow that adapts to your postures. The best, in this case, are the feathers.

      3. Our ergonomic needs

      cervical_ pillow

      We all have particular needs. You may suffer from problems with your neck, have diabetes or, perhaps, suffer from night sweats due to menopause. Don’t worry, because in these cases there are also special pillows that can help you.

      Take note:

      Cervical pillows

      In the market you will find many of them. They have a special shape that allows us to rest the head comfortably, without affecting the neck and cervicals. They also have a special cushioning in the lower part of the pillow that allows us to hold and rest the head.

      Water pillows

      Did you know them? Physiotherapists explain to us that they are very beneficial due to their ability to adapt to all our movements. They relax, give density, firmness and are very pleasant. Now, not everyone just got used to something so special.

      Cool pillows

      The so-called fresh pillows have a filling made of small pearls that always offer a feeling of freshness. They are ideal for when we suffer night sweats or hot flashes due to menopause.

      Oxygenating pillows

      Have you heard of them? They are a very special type of pillows, with a type of fabric that helps us improve our circulation. They raise the oxygen in the blood vessels and take care of our health every night.

      Another fact that we must take into account is hygiene. Remember to wash your pillow every week, especially the covers. This is where mites, dead skin remains and other bacteria that can affect your health are concentrated.

      Finally, remember to choose the best pillow according to your needs.

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