How To Reduce Orange Peel Skin With Exercises? Do These 5 Activities

Do you want to reduce orange peel naturally? When the fatty tissue accumulates under the skin, this aesthetic problem appears with an appearance similar to that of the peeling of this fruit. To put an end to it we can resort to some very effective exercises.

Find out in this article how you can reduce orange peel skin with a simple but effective activity routine. With perseverance and some good advice you will achieve positive results and your legs will look spectacular in no time. 

Orange peel

Orange peel is not the same as cellulite, although they are often confused. As subcutaneous fat accumulates, it presses and sticks out.

The appearance it causes is that of an irregular skin with a series of small lumps that get worse over time if we do not remedy it. The most common area is the cartridge belt in women.

Although genetic issues and age influence, there are also other factors that we can improve, such as diet and exercise. In addition, we can also avoid bad habits such as tobacco or alcohol, since these hinder oxygenation and make the problem worse.

Exercises to reduce orange peel skin

1. Jump rope

To begin with, the first exercise we propose is very simple and we have known it since we were children. Jumping rope is a great way to get your metabolism going and burn fat, especially in your legs.

It is very complete and we can do it anywhere and at any time. We only need a rope.

To reduce orange peel we must combine different methods:

  • One of them consists of eliminating excess fat that accumulates in the thighs and buttocks with aerobic exercises.
  • Jumping rope 10 or 15 minutes a day, in one go or 3 times, helps us achieve our goal.

jump rope to reduce orange peel skin

2. Lunges

Second, we need an exercise to tone and strengthen. With the strides we will gradually manage to transform fat into muscle. In this way, we can permanently prevent and reduce orange peel skin on the legs.

How to do it?

  • Take a step forward with one of your legs.
  • Bend the front knee while the back knee comes almost to the ground.
  • Keep your back straight.
  • Do the same with the other leg.
  • We can do them with or without weight.

3. Bike in bed

Finally, the third exercise that we propose we will do in bed, in the morning and at bedtime. We will have to lie down and lift our legs up. The exercise consists of performing the pedaling movement as if we were on a bicycle. 

With this simple movement we are able to activate the circulation of the legs. By doing it in an inverted position, we combat the heaviness of the legs and achieve great relief. In this way, the blood reaches the affected area more easily and we facilitate its improvement.

Complementary techniques

1. Dry brushing

The dry brushing technique is ideal for reducing orange peel skin, cellulite and varicose veins. In addition, it also improves the appearance and texture of the skin and provides great relief to tired legs. Lastly, it also fights bloating and fluid retention.

How do we do it?

  • First of all, the movement must always be from the bottom up.
  • Start with the feet and work your way up the outside and inside of the legs.
  • We can only do the legs or go up to the neck.
  • We recommend hydrating the skin well after dry brushing.
  • It can be done every day or at least 3 times a week to reduce orange peel skin.

dry brushing to reduce orange peel skin

2. Massages with oils

Once we have brushed our legs we can complete our natural treatment with a good massage. If we want to enhance its effects, we can use the following preparation. In this way, we will activate even more circulation and the burning of fat in the thighs and buttocks.


  • 5 drops of rosemary essential oil
  • 4 tablespoons of coconut oil (60 g)
  • 5 drops of juniper essential oil
  • 5 drops of grapefruit essential oil


  • Mix the ingredients and use to massage the legs.

Try these exercises and techniques and be amazed by the positive results that you will notice in less than a month!

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