Megalomania: Playing God

The person who suffers from megalomania is conceived as perfect, so he will not recognize his defects, nor that he may have a problem for being who he is.

Megalomania is not defined as a disorder as such, but falls within the description of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. And the best way to understand it is through an example: a megalomaniac is that conceited or vain person who overestimates their own abilities. He believes that he can eat the world, he has delusions of grandeur and does not learn from his mistakes.

When a person believes that he is omnipotent, he considers that he has no limits or barriers that prevent him from achieving what he wants, he never questions his actions and believes that any signaling is just a matter of envy. In other words, the megalomaniac has idealized himself and thinks that the problem always belongs to others. 

The problem with this is that the person cannot see reality as it is, but rather as he wants to see it; that is, there is distortion of the panorama. In extreme cases, megalomania can lead to isolation of the person. 

Megalomania and blindness

Like us when we look in the mirror.

Delusions of greatness and power create a false reality. Therefore, megalomania blinds the sufferer and prevents a true connection with other people. Everything remains superficial.

By not admitting even constructive criticism or leaving room for questioning, the megalomaniac places himself in a position of superiority over others that, instead of attracting, repels in the long run.

The most extreme cases are framed within narcissistic disorder, in which physical appearance plays a predominant role. 

Let’s not forget that behind each disorder there is always one or more causes that have not yet been properly addressed. Some kind of lack suffered in the past or some other type of circumstance that is difficult to cope with.

Despite the problems that he will experience in his interpersonal relationships due to his absurd convictions, the megalomaniac will continue to believe that his ideas are the only true ones, without realizing that they are actually delusional.

What are the megalomaniacs like?

Now the big question arises of how do you identify a person with megalomania? In addition to the brief characteristics discussed above, there are certain patterns of behavior that need to be noted:

  • They believe that their power is unlimited. As they do not accept that they have limitations, they consider that they can achieve everything and that their power is absolute, pure and unsurpassed. This certainty causes them to get into more than one problem.
  • They don’t learn from their mistakes, because they don’t make them for them. The megalomaniac considers himself perfect, so he will always put the responsibility for his mistakes on other people. He even has the power to decide whether the mistake is his or not.
    • They put your abilities to the test. Because they feel omnipotent, they are continually testing their abilities. This can be positive, if it weren’t for the fact that they consider that everything they do is perfect.
    • They give a false image. They do not realize it, but as narcissists they need to give an idealized and excellent image of themselves. Therefore, others see them as false people who do not show themselves as they are.
    • They care, more or less, how others react to what they say, how they act … The person with megalomania tends to observe the way in which others respond to their actions.

    Although the megalomaniac feels a kind of concern about how others see him, the truth is that he will always try to “turn the tables”.

    narcissistic narcissism personality disorder

    The fault is not mine, it is yours

    Don’t you agree with what I say? You do not accept what I propose? Why are you upset with my way of acting?

    Even if the person with megalomania asks all these questions, they don’t really care what other people think. She will always be right. Therefore, they will believe that it is the rest who are wrong, who see things in the least correct way.

    The megalomaniac thinks that his reality is the only one that exists. The most negative part of all this is that people with megalomania do not know that they have a problem. In the same way, other people only see a narcissistic person, who believes himself to be God and who considers himself above everything and everyone.

    A visit to a professional can help to find the correct diagnosis and treatment. 

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