The Best Ways To Tone The Neck And Reduce Double Chin

In addition to taking care of our diet and increasing water consumption to keep the area hydrated and elastic, to reduce the double chin we must perform localized exercises daily

The double chin is an accumulation of lipids that is located under the chin, or that flabby skin that remains when the person continuously gains and loses weight. In this article you will learn the best ways to tone your neck and get rid of it.

Most consider it an aesthetic problem and, in fact, sometimes it affects the self-esteem of those who suffer from it.

However, beyond this, it is important to bear in mind that its presence is a cardiometabolic risk factor that should not be ignored.

For this reason, it is essential to modify your lifestyle and adopt healthy habits that allow you to keep your weight under control.

In addition to this, you can also put into practice some exercises and tips to reduce fat accumulation and tone the skin.

Discover them!

Exercises and tips to reduce double chin and tone the neck

Both the face and the neck are made up of muscles that are responsible for giving firmness to the skin that covers them. These prevent the early appearance of wrinkles and reduce the accumulation of fat in the chin area.

However, most are unaware that, like other muscles, they must be constantly exercised to stay strong.

Plus, your skin needs extra nutrition to stay elastic, firm, and toned. For all this we have compiled a simple routine and two key recommendations with which you can achieve the goal.

Exercise No. 1

facial exercise

  • Standing with your back straight and your mouth closed, make circular movements with your tongue over your upper palate.
  • Perform 10 repetitions 3 times a day, every day.

Exercise No. 2

  • Sit in a comfortable place, with your back straight and in the most relaxed way possible.
  • Next, exaggerate the vowels, opening your mouth as much as possible.
  • Complete 10 repetitions, two or three times a day.

Exercise No. 3

Neck exercise

  • Sit in a comfortable chair, with your back straight and your arms crossed.
  • Stretch your neck forward and, when you reach its peak, twist it to the left or right, with slow movements.
  • Hold the pose for two seconds, return to the starting position and repeat the same movements on each side.
  • Do 10 reps every day.

Exercise No. 4

  • Just tense your neck muscles as much as you can and try to make an upside-down smile.
  • Repeat the same activity 5 times in a row, two or three times a day.

Exercise No. 5

chewing gum

  • Buy your favorite chewing gum and use it to work the muscles of the face and neck.
  • Chew exaggeratedly and constantly, at least 10 minutes in a row.
  • Repeat the exercise two or three times a day.

Hydration to tone the neck

To tone the neck it is essential to increase water consumption and use moisturizing products.

Drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water a day prevents dehydration and improves oxygenation of the skin throughout the body.

The application of a moisturizing cream with firming properties reduces sagging in the neck area and favors the reduction of double chin.

In addition, it is convenient to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, since they are antioxidant foods that help improve the appearance of the skin.

Wheat germ oil massages

The application of a massage with wheat germ oil is useful as a complement to firm the skin of the double chin.

This product has a high concentration of vitamin E, a nutrient that hydrates, tones and tightens the dermis.

Massage from the chin towards the lower part of the neck, while pressing gently with the fingertips.

Repeat this every day, in the morning and before going to sleep.

Apple and beet juice

Regular consumption of this natural juice helps eliminate toxins and fluid retention, factors that influence the appearance of double chin.

It is low in calories, rich in antioxidants and has a satiating effect that helps control food cravings.


  • 2 apples
  • 1 medium beet
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml)

How to prepare it?

  • First put the apples and beets in a juicer.
  • Then put both juices in the blender and blend them with half a glass of water.
  • Finally, consume it on an empty stomach, at least three times a week.

Remember that all these recommendations to tone the neck can help to achieve good results as long as they are put into practice continuously. The effects are not achieved immediately and can vary from person to person.

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