Tips To Get Over An Abortion Alone

After an abortion, our mental health may suffer, but we must do everything possible to combat sadness and move on with our lives.

Losing a pregnancy is perhaps one of the most difficult times a woman can go through. A whirlwind of emotions overshadows our lives and responsiveness is lost. We know that the consequences are difficult. Therefore, here we will help you with some tips to overcome an abortion alone.

All the illusions and plans put into the birth of the new member of the family fell apart.

Fear, disappointment and anger are the prevailing feelings in this context. However, the pain of loss depends on each woman, her perspective and reality. If you are alone, without a partner to reach out to cope with the pain with you, fear is enhanced.

However, we are confident that you will be able to get ahead. Facing mourning for the unborn child is the first decision you must make.

Do not restrict a tear, venting is essential on this journey.

Post abortion syndrome

Post-abortion syndrome

Grief is the first stage after an abortion, and depression rarely occurs.

However, it is normal that you do not want to continue with your routine; you have suffered a trauma that needs to be processed psychologically to move forward. In this sense, the alterations are diverse:

  • You feel guilty or are looking for someone to blame for what happened.
  • You isolate yourself.
  • You feel like no one understands your situation.
  • You have low self-esteem.
  • Questions begin about what happened: ” Why me?” “What would have happened if I hadn’t done what I did?” “What do I do now?”

If you are going through this stage, calm down! It is normal that you do not feel emotional stability.

Questions after an impact like this can be solved by talking to someone you trust. Don’t hold back your thoughts or emotions. Assume from maturity what happened.

Does guilt influence?

Guilt is one of the most dangerous factors, because it leads to destruction.

It consumes inside and the energy, which is already ephemeral, reaches its minimum level. If you feel responsible for what happened, it is time for you to understand that you should forgive yourself.

It is not a priority that you find the reason for the abortion in yourself. Accept that things can no longer change and that you must move on. After crying, yelling, and hitting, take a deep breath and become aware of the future.

Alone or accompanied, you are still alive and you must give yourself courage not to sink into sadness.

Forgiving yourself is liberating and heals the soul. Therefore, absolve yourself of guilt will be the push you need to start new projects.

This will be the starting point to start living from this painful experience. It works, so don’t forget these are tips for getting through an abortion alone.

Ask for help

Ask for help after the abortion.

Take advantage of the company of the people who are by your side. Someone will want to reach out to you: accept the words of encouragement.

It may seem that nothing works, but when you come to your senses you will see that a word, a caress, a handshake is always important.

If you do not have by your side the man who was to be the father of the child and family or friends are not enough, seek professional help.

This is one of the main tips to overcome an abortion. The psychologist will be able to guide you in the decisions and actions that you must take.

Going to the therapist does not mean that you are sick  or a sign of weakness. This implies the acceptance that you cannot handle the magnitude of what is happening to you alone.

Going to a psychologist is synonymous with integrity and a guarantee of a better future.

Empathy in the network

If you do not have a family environment to support you at this difficult time, look for information on the internet, where you could find cases similar to yours.

Gestational loss is very common: lean on each story, because many of them are inspiring. Focus the search on the data that help you, that are of quality for the moment you are living. Believe yourself capable of getting ahead.

A letter can help

A letter can help

If you don’t want to talk or prefer to be alone, a good solution may be to write a goodbye letter.

We know that you did not meet that loved one that you were generating, but knowing that a life was developing within you is enough to feel it as part of your being.

Take a blank sheet of paper and write what you feel. Say goodbye and let it go.

Let the feelings take shape in those words that you are outlining. Tell him you love him and make a commitment to honor him – live for him!

Thinking about another pregnancy after the abortion

We recommend that you go through the grieving stage first, let go of what happened and regain the desire to move forward.

The World Health Organization (WHO) advises waiting at least six months. Physically you can get pregnant at three months, but psychologically you must give yourself more time.

The advice to overcome an abortion can be diverse. However, don’t believe everything you hear, do your research. There are many stories that can help you get ahead.

You are a strong woman, trust yourself.

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