Treatments For Pain In The Soles Of The Feet

Pain in the sole of the foot, or plantar fasciitis, occurs more precisely in the lower part of the heel although it can radiate throughout the foot or have another initial focus – this pain can be caused by excess pressure on the feet , causing a rupture of the ligaments, and generating intense pain and a sensation of stiffness in the part of the heel.

Causes of plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis can be caused mainly by:

  • Over weight
  • Pregnancy
  • Working hours too heavy
  • Misuse of footwear
  • Flat feet or with a lot of arch.

Symptoms of plantar fasciitis

The symptoms that this condition produces are usually:

  • Pain
  • Burning in the lower part of the heel (or all over the foot)
  • Rigidity

Usually this problem occurs in only one foot, although it can affect both feet at the same time. This condition is much more intense in the morning, when the first steps are taken after resting at night or if you have been sitting for a long time resting, it can also be felt after having done a long day of exercises or any activity in which he has been standing for a long time.

Treatments for pain in the soles of the feet

The treatment of this condition is aimed at both prevention and pain relief. First, the doctor will ask us a series of questions to determine what activities trigger plantar fasciitis. Once identified, it will recommend that we limit the performance of these activities.

Once the root problem has been treated, he will prescribe both analgesics and anti-inflammatories to reduce the sensation of pain. A very wise option would be the use of ibuprofen. In case the inflammation is not reduced, you can opt for more powerful anti-inflammatories such as naproxen.

Home remedies

The first thing to do is take off your shoes whenever possible and apply ice at least four times a day, for twenty minutes each time. This helps to reduce inflammation of the affected area.

In the shoe , a support must be placed that supports the arch of the foot, thus reducing pain. Spend at least twenty minutes a day practicing stretching exercises, especially before and after the work day, which is when you have to prepare the muscles on the soles of your feet.

Another useful alternative is to soak your feet in a basin of water and Epsom salts. These salts, also known as magnesium sulfate, have a beneficial effect on pain relief.

As noted in the journal Magnesium in the Central Nervous System , magnesium plays an important role in preventing central sensitization and attenuating established pain hypersensitivity. Therefore, it is often an ally to relieve symptoms such as stiffness and muscle pain.

Pharmacological treatments

If anti-inflammatories do not have the desired effect, a much stronger and more effective treatment is used, such as the application of a corticosteroid injection . These are applied directly to the affected part of the ligament, to the skin of the heel or to the arch of the foot; then a painless electrical current is applied.

In addition, the professional can opt for physical therapy, where plantar fascia and Achilles tendons are stretched. Similarly, exercises are recommended to strengthen the lower leg muscles.

In some cases, the use of night splints is essential, which help to stretch the calf and the arch of the foot, allowing the foot to remain flexed, lengthening the plantar fascia and the Achilles tendon, resulting in the reduction of pain and stiffness in the mornings.

In shoes you can use some orthopedic devices that help to distribute the pressure, in this way, more important damage to the plantar fascia is prevented and avoided. This measure is used especially in cases of flat feet.


It is extremely important that you be attentive to each and every one of the symptoms that you present. If when you start a treatment with the home remedies that we recommend you do not feel improvement. the best thing is to go immediately to your trusted doctor and follow the treatment that he recommends.

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