Types Of Herpes

All types of herpes have in common the fact that they cause an infection. Also, after this is exceeded, they go into latency. This means that they can be reactivated at any time in life, causing health problems.

Almost everyone has heard of herpes, as it is a very common infection. What not everyone knows is that there are several types of herpes, each with different characteristics, as well as with different levels of severity.

The most common types of herpes are herpes simplex variants 1 and 2. It is estimated that about half the population has experienced herpes simplex type 1 at some time. As for herpes simplex type 2, it is likely that up to a third of the population has suffered from it.

None of the types of herpes has a cure, but there are medications that reduce symptoms and decrease the possibility of contagion to other people. Either way, in most cases, a person with herpes can lead a completely normal life.


herpes on the lips

Herpes is an infection caused by viruses belonging to the herpesviridae family . In its simple form, it is characterized by the appearance of small vesicles that contain fluid. These injuries can be very painful. Sometimes they break, form ulcers and scabs, which sometimes leave a scar.

There are 50 different types of herpes viruses. They have in common the fact that they can all cause an infection. Later, they remain latent and it is possible that they reactivate some time later, causing recurrent infections.

The word herpes comes from the Greek root ‘ herpein’ , which means ‘to meander’. Its latency property was not discovered until 1950, by Burnet and Budding. Some types of herpes can cause difficulties that significantly affect quality of life.

Types of herpes: Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 or HSV-1

This type of herpes mainly affects the lips , mouth and its surroundings. It is more common in children. It is the most common herpes and is often exacerbated by various circumstances such as stress, fever, exposure to sunlight and even menstruation. Recurrences are generally milder than the first appearance.

Types of herpes: Herpes Simplex Virus type 2 or HSV-2

This herpes affects the genital area and the most common is that it is transmitted through sexual contact. The lesions it produces are similar to those that appear on the lips or face. The initial episode, very often, is without symptoms, so it can go unnoticed. In contrast, subsequent episodes are usually very painful.

If a woman has active type 2 herpes during childbirth , she can pass it to her baby. This results in neonatal herpes. Eventually, it causes problems in the nervous system and, in some cases, can be fatal.

Zoster, one of the types of herpes

This is one of the types of herpes that can lead to more severe complications. The original infection is chickenpox. The virus then migrates to the sensory nerve fibers and remains latent in the dorsal root ganglia.

The regrowth of the virus gives rise to herpes-zoster, which appears by following the path of the nerve where it lodged. It is usually very painful and, in a few cases, causes symptoms that can last for years. It is believed that 20% of the population can develop this form of herpes.

Types of herpes: Epstein-Barr virus

It is associated with infectious mononucleosis. In children it usually goes unnoticed, but in adolescents it triggers the disease. It can cause asymptomatic spread, which means that it is spread without symptoms being present immediately.

Only in a few cases does it give rise to complications such as meningoencephalitis or Guillian Barré syndrome. It is a very benign disease at an early age.


This virus can infect an average of 50% to 80% of people. However, it is rare for it to manifest as a disease. Typically, it remains latent in the kidney, heart, and white blood cells.

Normally, it is reactivated in people who have a depressed immune system. It is common in AIDS patients, for example. It does not have a specific symptomatology and there are no drugs exclusively defined for its treatment.

Herpes 6, 7 and 8

HHV-6 was first found in 1986 in AIDS patients. This virus from the herpes family is believed to be the cause of roseola and is also associated with different neurological problems. It has two variants:

  • HHV-6 type A : occurs in young children and does not cause major symptoms. In adolescence, it reactivates with a picture similar to that of mononucleosis.
  • HHV-6 type B : It is believed that all adults are infected with the HHV-6B type, which does not cause symptoms, that is known.

The HHV-7 also produces roseola boxes. Meanwhile, HHV-8 is associated with Kaposi’s sarcoma. All of these types of herpes occur mainly in people with AIDS or those who are immunosuppressed.

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