10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Avoid The Consumption Of Soft Drinks

The phosphoric acid present in carbonated soft drinks increases the acidification of the body and prevents the fixation of calcium in the bones, in addition to causing deficiency of other minerals.

Today, most of the population knows that Drinking sugary sodas is not a healthy habit. Despite this, there are many who prefer to ingest them, ahead of natural juices, since they come ready for consumption and their flavor is addictive.

The truth is that, although its effects are not immediate, in the medium and long term they can be associated with the development of various health disorders.

According to this study, one of the greatest risks is to suffer from obesity, sometimes reaching the state of morbid obesity, especially adolescents. This is not to say that it does not affect people of different ages.

Taking into account that some are unaware of their effects, below we are going to reveal those 10 important reasons to start avoiding them now.

1. They have “empty calories”

Its nutritional qualities are minimal or null. However, they are high in calories that can cause various problems in the body.

Thus, the sugars it contains require the presence of vitamin B and minerals, which are lacking, in order to be properly metabolized.

Then, in its desperate quest to control blood sugar levels, the body uses up its reserves and later begins to suffer from deficiencies.

2. They slow down the metabolism

For the metabolism to have a proper rhythm, it is necessary to provide the body with some essential nutrients that are obtained from high-quality foods.

Soft drinks do not have these types of properties. On the contrary, its high content of sugar and phosphoric acid can significantly slow down this process.

Thus, the main problem arising from all this is that the body decreases its ability to burn fat, so there is an increase in body weight.

3. The consumption of soft drinks is a cause of dehydration

What are the causes of dehydration

They may be refreshing when ingested and perfect for quenching thirst. However, its components lead to episodes of dehydration.

Acids, preservatives, and that high supply of sugar destabilize the body’s natural pH. Thus, they force you to use a significant part of your water in order to regulate it.

4. Increase the risk of diabetes

Without a doubt, one of the most dangerous and common effects of drinking soda is diabetes.

Being rich in calories and sugars, these alter metabolic function. Thus, they hinder the process by which blood sugar levels are regulated. This is shown by this study.

5. They irritate the stomach

The frequent intake of soft drinks causes problems in the intestinal mucosa, causing irritation and alteration in its environment.

As a result, very annoying digestive conditions originate, such as gastritis, gas and inflammation.

6. Increase the risk of kidney stones


Several studies, such as this research information, have associated excessive consumption of these types of beverages with an increased risk of developing urinary stones.

The changes that originate in the components of the urine contribute to increase the formation of stones by acidic substances.

7. May cause allergies or hypersensitivity

The additives contained in these types of products are associated with the highest risk of developing allergic reactions.

These can manifest themselves through symptoms such as:

  • Nervous irritability and hyperactivity.
  • Abdominal pain and swelling
  • Digestive diseases.
  • In addition to rashes or skin disorders.

8. Deteriorate the teeth

The combination of sugars with acidic substances, such as phosphoric acid and citric acid, is very aggressive with the enamel that protects the teeth.

Due to this, its intake increases the risk of dental erosion, cavities and other types of oral infections.

9. They cause decalcification

The presence of phosphoric acid, one of the most common additives, increases the acidification of the body. Thus, it makes the body release more calcium and other essential minerals for bones.

Due to the mineral deficiency they cause, they are not recommended for people at risk of osteoporosis or rickets.

10. Increase the risk of heart disease

Doctor teaching a heart

Many types of soft drinks, especially carbonated ones, have high levels of high fructose corn syrup, a type of sweetener that has been associated with the development of several diseases.

Everything indicates that this could lead to metabolic syndrome, a condition that increases the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

All people, especially those who are trying to lose weight, will be surprised by the changes that their body undergoes when they stop drinking these types of drinks.

Although it can be a bit tricky at first, little by little they can be replaced by healthier liquids such as water, tea, and fruit and vegetable juices.

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