10 Tips To Make Your Eyebrows Look Prettier Than Ever

The care of the eyebrows has become one of the essential steps of the beauty routine, since they help to achieve a more attractive and illuminated look. Their volume, color and shape vary from woman to woman, but everyone can do some tricks to make them look more beautiful.

However, beyond paying attention to aesthetics, it is essential to bear in mind that they play a protective role on the face as they are responsible for mitigating the impact of the sun’s UV rays and other harmful agents.

Fortunately, following some recommendations step by step , it is possible to keep them in perfect condition. Therefore, take note of what we are going to tell you below.

Tips for your eyebrows

It is often said that the eyebrows are the ‘frame’ of the eyes. For this reason, it is important to take care of them daily and give them a suitable shape, trying to keep them as natural as possible.

1. Choose an appropriate type of tweezers

The use of tweezers as a depilatory method is still the most used method in the care of the eyebrows. This has a longer lasting effect and makes it easier to define its shape.

Professionals advise choosing the tapered and sloping ones, which are perfect for removing hairs without pinching the skin.

To shape them

2. Don’t shave them too much

eye! Going overboard with waxing is unsightly and harmful. Not knowing how to properly remove the hairs can end up completely ruining the eyebrows.

If you are not sure if you can, it is best to go to a beauty center, since the hair on the eyebrows does not grow back in the same way as on the rest of the body.

It is not advisable to pluck the eyebrows excessively because then it is possible that the hairs will not come out again (which will leave several empty spaces) and also, because they are very fine, they tend to age the face.

3. Use eyeliners and shadows to delimit them better

The most effective solution for light brows is to dye them. This process is more durable and you will not have to paint them daily. To do this, it is best to put yourself  in professional hands so that they are not strange or contrary to how you want them to look.

The simplest way to find a perfect shade is by trying various shades of brow makeup. Although it takes a little longer, they will be spectacular.

4. Find out well before tattooing your eyebrows

The eyebrow area is not spared from injury or the appearance of unsightly spots. In these special cases , a good makeup technique is required to hide them.

There are those who opt for the tattoo method because it lasts and requires little maintenance. However, you have to know how to choose the beauty center very well to perform this technique and then talk with the professional about the ‘models’ to choose, since the most important thing is to find an option that is both natural and flattering.

If the tattoo does not convince, for some reason, it is best to choose to use eyeliners and eyebrow pencils. Today there are several that are even waterproof.

5. Make a guide to wax them

that your eyebrows

If you have very little experience plucking your brows, take a pale concealer and draw a line as a guide. Then you will only have to take the tweezers to proceed to mold them.

6. Comb them to give them order

Many girls are lucky enough to have beautiful eyebrows without the need to shape them or use specific products.

The only thing they have to worry about is combing them to order and define them. This can be done with a mascara brush and some hairspray.

7. Wax after showering

If you are one of those who wax frequently, try to do it after taking a hot shower. This helps open pores and prevents pain and irritation when removing hair. Of course, keep in mind that it is not recommended to subject them to this process more than once a month. Before any discomfort or inflammation derived from hair removal, we should consult a doctor.

7. Take into account the features of your face

If you have doubts about how to wear beautiful eyebrows, the best thing you can do is study your features and get better information. You can also consult with an esthetician about this.

The important thing is that you do not fall into “I want to wear them like this  celebrity ” because most likely that person does not have exactly the same type of face.

The shape of the eyebrows will vary depending on the type of face. However, at a general level it should be considered that these begin at the height of the arch of the nose, to end parallel to the corner of the eye.

8. Retain a certain naturalness

Make sure your eyebrows look natural

The shadows, eyeliners and other cosmetics for the eyebrows are a great complement to give them a perfect style. The problem is that, if you don’t know how to use them, they make them look fake and not so pretty.

A simple trick to make them look natural is to use a pencil that is lighter than their original color and then give them a natural finish with a smudger.

10. Use strengthening products

As with eyelashes, eyebrows need extra protection and nutrients to stay healthy and strong. In the evening, after removing makeup, rub in some castor or coconut oil.

The esthetician can advise you on your eyebrows

If, despite having read these tips, you have doubts about how to pluck your eyebrows to make them look beautiful and according to your type of face, go to the beautician, as they will be able to guide you and explain which are the best options for you and why. 

Until you have consulted with the esthetician, it is not recommended that you try to change the shape of your eyebrows with depilatory methods. Keep in mind that the more hair there is, the more chance you have of choosing a suitable shape, together with the beautician.

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