2-in-1 Natural Remedy To Remove Facial Hair And Soften The Skin

At some point, most women have sought methods to remove facial hair. Although hair appears in different areas of the body and is almost always visible to the naked eye, it is especially visible on the face.

Knowing that hair is perceived as unsightly and that it grows constantly, today there are many products and techniques that help to eliminate it, leaving the skin soft and radiant.

Waxing and laser hair removal are two of the most common methods of getting rid of hair in seconds. However, they can be painful and aggressive to the skin.

Luckily, there are natural alternatives to remove hair, especially hair that grows on the face above the upper lip.

Remove facial hair with a natural remedy

Woman waxing her upper lip

Facial hair should be removed with a technique that is gentle on the skin, since the face is more delicate and requires special care to avoid irritation or damage to the skin.

This natural remedy comes from the culture of the Middle East, where women have prepared this mixture for many years with only two purposes: to remove ingrown facial hair and to leave the skin soft and renewed.

To carry out this remedy , only three basic ingredients are needed: honey, lemon juice and oatmeal.  All are characterized by their high content of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that, when in contact with the skin, benefit it.

  • Oatmeal is a moisturizing ingredient that helps fight dryness and acts as a natural exfoliator to remove dead skin cells. Its grain has fibers, antioxidants, amino acids and proteins of high value for health. In addition, it has been chosen as a Medicinal Plant of 2017 by a University of Germany.
  • For its part, lemon helps to lighten the skin, according to this study carried out by the University of Karthoum (Sudan). Of course, when you use it, try not to come into contact with the sun for a couple of days.
  • Finally, honey is a natural moisturizer that, due to its antioxidants and vitamins, is one of the most popular ingredients in terms of skin care. According to this research carried out by the Universidad de La Frontera in Temuco (Chile), it has very beneficial healing properties.

Knowing how beneficial these ingredients are in terms of skin care, Middle Eastern women have used it as an ideal treatment to remove ingrown facial hair, prevent premature aging, and brighten skin.

How to prepare this natural remedy to remove facial hair?

This natural remedy is very easy to prepare and is a facial hair removal solution that is becoming very popular for its effectiveness.


  • 2 tablespoons of pure honey
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of organic rolled oats.

Oatmeal to prepare a remedy to remove facial hair

Preparation mode

  • Mix all the ingredients in a bowl to form a kind of sticky paste.
  • Apply the mixture to the area of ​​the face where you want to remove hair.
  • Rub the mixture in gentle circular motions, just as if it were an exfoliator.
  • Massages should be given in the opposite direction of hair growth to be able to remove it completely.
  • To finish, apply moisturizer to the treated area.
  • For optimal results and smooth skin, repeat the treatment 2 to 3 times a week.

How it works

It should be clarified that this natural remedy acts differently depending on the type of skin and that is why it is likely that not all of them offer the same results.

Some women who have tried it have noticed the changes within a week or two.  Others, meanwhile, have had to fight for up to a month to make the effects of the treatment effective.

Being a natural remedy, it is very important to note that the results are not immediate like those of other hair removal methods. However, the great advantage is that its natural ingredients are gentle on the skin and help to nourish it so that it looks soft and radiant.

With traditional hair removal methods there is always the risk of skin irritation or other allergic reactions. For all this, it is worth trying the natural alternatives and taking advantage of all their benefits.

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