5 Ways To Optimize Liver Function

Is it possible to optimize the functioning of the liver day by day and in a simple way? Of course. You should know that, sometimes, many liver diseases are just without symptoms. We have no clue that our liver is becoming inflamed or filling with fat, until it is too late.

The following strategies are worth trying . With them, you will improve your liver health and your quality of life. Know the data below.

1. Routine in your mornings

A glass of warm water with lemon:

  • Lemon is rich in photochemicals, especially d-limonene, which acts as a liver tonic and allows us to detoxify it, also increasing bile production.
  • You should also know that this type of phytochemicals increase the production of certain enzymes capable of optimizing the functioning of the liver, which also prevent the appearance of carcinogenic elements.
  • E l d-limonene also promotes the health of the small intestine, and getting the nutrients are best obtained, reduce cholesterol and also dissolve gallstones.
  • Remember to always use freshly squeezed lemons and mix the juice of half a lemon with warm water, never cold.

A tablespoon of oil with the juice of half a lemon

  • The juice of a lemon combined with extra virgin olive oil (that is of good quality) is ideal to optimize the functioning of the liver. Stimulates bile production, cleanses and tones it.
  • It also prevents the production of stones in the gallbladder.
  • It is enough to take a tablespoon (about 10 grams) with the juice of half a lemon. Drink little by little. You can follow, for example, one week the warm water treatment with lemon and, the next, use this olive oil treatment.

2. Infusions for after your lunch

infusion-of-fucus-to-lose weight

There are two excellent herbal teas to optimize liver function. You can also combine them throughout the week, or consume the one you want the most every day. Take note:

  • Milk thistle infusion:  You can find it in natural stores and even in pharmacies. You will see that they usually sell it both in tablets and infusions. If you want, you can talk to your doctor if you want to take it in tablets. However, a simple way is to drink it in a rich infusion. It is one of the most effective plants for cleansing the liver and protecting it, treating very effectively, for example, fatty liver. It is interesting to also know that milk thistle can reduce liver inflammation and even regenerate liver cells.
  • Turmeric and lemon infusion: This medicinal drink is very healthy for the liver. You can detoxify it and even eliminate possible  carcinogenic substances.

3. Cranberry juice

cranberry juice

Artichoke water with the juice of a lemon

Nothing is as easy as making a decoction of an artichoke. When you see that it has already become soft, remove it and reserve. What we are going to drink throughout the day is precisely the water resulting from this cooking. Ideally, get at least 3 glasses (between 400 and 500 ml). Add the juice of a lemon and drink throughout the day.

Very easy. This drink will allow us to purify toxins, while acting as an excellent tonic to optimize liver function. Are you going to miss it? Test it.

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